Part II

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Evie yanked at the bars of her prison cell, letting out a frustrated cry when they didn't budge.

This mission had been a disaster. She knew it had been too optimistic and naive to assume that she could just slip into the pirate village, find Dizzy, and sneak away back to Auradon without ever running into Harry. Now Dizzy and she were both captured. And to make matters worse Harry was going to deal with her personally.

This is going swimmingly! Evie thought peevishly, rattling the bars once more.

"Tryin to escape, Princess?"

Evie glanced down the corridor outside her cell. From the shadows Harry emerged, the click of his boots echoing with every step he took. He had a smirk on his face and he radiated satisfaction, no doubt utterly pleased with the how the events had played out. He had her trapped in a cage, completely under his control.

"Of course, I am," Evie retorted. "It's nauseating being on the same island as you never mind being this close."

Harry leaned against the cell bars across from her cell, his hands behind his back and head titled. His eyes fell to her feet, slowly working their way to her face. Evie crossed her arms, a scowl set firmly on her face.

"I do tend to have a dizzying effect on all the ladies," Harry replied, smirking.

Evie rolled her eyes.

"What do you want, Harry?"

"Before we get onto what I want, how about we find out what you want," Harry said, taking a few slow strides to reach Evie's cell bars, standing directly in front of her. He pulled out a ring of keys from his pocket, jingling them in front of her. "Is this what yer after, Princess?"

Evie made a swipe for the keys but Harry pulled them out of reach. "Ah, ah. Nuthin's free here. And freedom comes with a hefty price."

"This is pointless, Harry," Evie snapped. "What good is there keeping me a prisoner? You can't get the mirror while I'm behind bars!"

"Oh, let me think. Yer the royal advisor to King Beastie Boy and his Queen. Yer close friends with em and yer a princess as well. Ye are a pirates dream captive, I have to say. Quite the sublime leverage," Harry explained, sounding very pleased.

"So, you're going to trade me?" Evie said, utterly applauded.

"Only a fool wouldn't trade ye," Harry replied. "And fool that I am, I don't plan to."

Evie narrowed her eyes, "are you going to let me go?"

"Do ye want me to let ye go?"

"Yes," Evie replied without hesitation.

Harry held out the keys again, putting them within arms reach. Evie eyed them warily before making another grab for them, only to have Harry pull them out of reach again. He chuckled, still as easily amused as she remembered.

"Half a decades later and you're still acting like a child," Evie muttered.

"I told ye, nuthing's free."

"And what exactly do you want, Harry?" Evie asked crossly. "I don't have the mirror. It's in a museum. I can't just take it out as I please!"

"There's sumthin else ye can give me," Harry whispered, leaning in as close he could. "Yer a smart lass, I'm sure ye'll figure it out."

With that said, Harry left, leaving Evie in uneasy trepidation, pondering what on Earth he was after.


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