Chapter one

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my "father" said to me

My dad got depressed after my mom from a ca4 accident, he said it was my fault because I was there with her, he said that I was distracting, and that's why she hit the truck.. so I've blamed myself for years now...

"Coming dad..." I was my dad's punching bag,


I'm sorry...




I'll be good....

I was on the floor, bleeding, feeling as if I was near death

"Now.. be a good girl and stay here while daddy gets some more cigs.... I'll be back*

He kicked my stomach, then walked away

"No... I wanna leave... I want to be happy...." I say as I walk towards the door, I griped the door handle and twisted it...

It's unlocked!

I thought as I opened the door

I ran

And ran

And ran

I was painting

Where was I?

I was walking around, and I was on the streets of  (Town Name), it was dark, so I decided to walk around, then I found a grocery store, so I was going to camp in front there

(Time skip to morning)

Shake shake

"Hm...." I hummed, when I opened my eyes, I saw a female wth dark long hair

"Hello? Are you okay girl, what's your name" this woman asked me, I backed away in fear

She is it gave a warm smile

"It's okay, my name is Kuchel, Kuchel Ackerman, and you are?

I gulped

"(Y/N)... (Y/N) (L/N)..." I said, and she held a hand out

"Do you know where you live?" She asked, I started shacking and crying, I graves her leg and started hugging it

"NO! DON'T MAKE ME GO BACK!! PLEASE!!" I said I'm a shaky voice

She went to my level and hugged me and started to rock me

"Sshh.. its okay...." she said in a calming voice, and then she sighed

"How about, staying with me? What do you think about that" she said while lifting me ugh the ground

A/N btw you are currently 10 👌

I nodded

"Great~~ I have a son, his name is Levi, he can get mean at times, but that's okay.. let's go home and clean you up okay?" All I do was nod

We walk to her car, it was really nice, it was a black car...

(Time skip to the house)

I get out of the car, only to see a huge house, it was nice

"Come on, this way" she said to me as she extended her hand for me to hold, I grabbed it and started walking with her

She opened the door, when she did, it was spotless I'm the house, like shining, sparkling

"Wow..." I whispered..

"Oh, and my son Levi, is a clean freak.." she giggled

"Oi I heard that" I heard a voice say, I looked up to see a bit on the stairs, with raven hair, gray-blue eyes, an undercut, and a mad face exspression, kinda cute, and looked my age..

"Who is this mom?" He said as he walked down the stairs towards me

"Egh, she's filthy.." he said to me, I just looked down

"Levi! I found her on the street by the grocery store, I was about to clean her up and get her clean clothes"  Kuchel said to Levi

"But she doesn't have any clothes, shes just wearing a oversized white
T-Shirt" I was wearing my dad's shirt..

"Then she'll wear your clothes for the time being, I'll go buy her clothes while she's in the shower, go pick out some clothes for her" Kuchel said to Levi, all he did was clicked his tongue

"(Y/N) fallow Levi" She said, I nodded and started walking up the stairs with Levi

"So why did you run away from home brat?" She asked me still looking forward

"O-oh..uhm my dad, he abused me, and sexually  abused me.. and.." I started shaking

He looked back in a panic, we were already  in his room

"Hey, calm down, it's okay you don't have to tell me anymore" he said, and I nodded

He walked to a dresser and got out some clothes, I looked around his room, and saw two twin beds

"Two beds?" I asked him out of curiosity

He stopped

"Uh.. yeah, I had friend who lived here.. Anyway, here" he handed me a big black T-shirt and boxers..


"You can use the boxers as shorts for now, fallow me, I'll show you the bathroom" he said as he walked out, I followed him

We walked into a really nice bathroom with a big shower

He shows me how to turn it on, and showed me the shampoo and conditioner, and body wash, I thanked him and he walked out

I undressed, and looked at all my bruises. I turned on the shower, and got in it, the warm water felt like heaven. I washed up fast and got dressed

When I walked out, I saw Kuchel with a bag if girl clothes, and a toothbrush, and other stuff

She showed ne the clothes she got, and they were cute, I guess, at least I had clothes

I changed out of Levi's clothes and dressed in New ones

The shirt had a small pocket, and it was a dark blue shirt, like a flannel, I had a normal pair of blue skinny jeans (lol) she bought me shoes, but they were too small, so she said in the morning she'll take me show shopping, and also get Levi a new pair 'Cause he was getting bigger

(Time skip night time)

"(Y/N) Levi has two beds, you can sleep in his room okay?" She smiled at me, and I nodded in agreement

I was in the bed next to Levis, and I couldn't sleep, I kept rolling around, in gear my dad will find me and take me away

"Oi brat, why are you so loud, go to sleep" Levi said

"I can't, I'm scared my dad will take me away" I said shaking, all I heard was a sigh

Then I felt arms around me

"H-Hey?" I said

"Ssshh.... go to bed, your dad won't get you.." he said

"Okay..." I fell asleep in levi's arm, feeling safe


So what did ya think?!?! Sorry if there were any spelling errors, I'm on my phone typing, anyway, hope you liked it, bbyyeeeee

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