Chapter 5

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It was the day of the dance, it took place after school, and well... I haven't even left yet, today's gonna be a long-ass day...

I was woken up with a pillow to my face, no not the comfortable position were your face is in the pillow and you're hugging it, no! Levi hit me in the face with his pillow

"Get up brat, it's time for breakfast" I was so mad right now!!

"YOU COULD AL LEAST HAVE SHAKEN ME!!!!!!" I practically screamed

"Yes, but, that wouldn't have been fun" He said smirking... That smirk... I can't get mad at him wen he does that, and he knows damn well that I can't

"Get up, let's go eat" He said to me, I just nodded, when he was out of the room I got a pillow and... attempted to hit him, but he just grabbed it and hit me with it again!

"Curse you Ackerman!!" I yelled at him, then calmly walked down to the dinning room

"Ready for that dance, brat?" Levi asked me, smirking again!

I really did like Levi... but... We're too Young, it's not the right time, maybe when we're older we can date, maybe, I don't know... Maybe if we still like each other, but I doubt that will happen

"C'mon we gotta go!!! You're gonna be late!!" Kuchel yelled. I ate as fast as I could

~Time skip to school~

On our way to school, Levi and I....... We were very.... Awkward........ We would usually talk about weird things, AKA Hanji... Haha.... Now we're just staring at one another... GGGAAAHHH!!!! It's so awkward >.<

"Have a good day at school kids!" Kuchel said while waving at us then driving off

"L-Let's go.." I said to levi, he just Tsk'd and walked off

Did I do something wrong?  I thought as I walked into the building...then..

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Hanji yelling for me at a distance 

I just smiled, Closed my eyes, prepared for the impact... I fell right on my fac when Hanji 'Hugged' me

"H-Hey Hanji... Can you get off me..." I asked, barley breathing 

"Oh! Yeah! SSOOORRY~~~!!" She said, damn... how did she get a date?

I chuckled to myself

"Gosh... God love ya' Hanji.." I said under my breathe

"Waht~ was that?" Hanji said to me with fluttery eyes

"Nothing.." I sighed out

"Okie~~"  Hanji said to me, while walking nest to me... I'm so lucky to have such a good friend, I love her so much, Same with Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Levi, Erwin, Mike, Jean, Berthold...

While I was lost in thought... I ran right into a wall!

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!"  Hanji laughed pointing at me

"H-Hey! tha- PPfft-- It-It's no- PPPFFFTTTT AHHAHAHAHHAHAH thats funny!" I said cracking up

Hanji and I linked arms and walked toward class, but... Although I was smiling, I was still a little hurt on how Levi was so mean to me today.. Oh well. He's probably on a man-period, I giggled to myself

When we got to class, Lei was already there, I sat next to him and he just scoffed

"Levi? Why are you mad at me?" I ask really sad, He just scoffed and looked away

I looked down..then I felt a pair of eyes looking at me, it was Petra... Bitch.... She was just smirking... She walk over to Levi.

"Levi~ ready for the dance??" She said purring in his ear..wait?

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