Chapter 6

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"Dad?" I said choking on my breath

"(Y/N). (L/N). You've been a bad girl~ escaping me like that. How could you deary~? I loved you." He said

"Loved me? Loved me?!?!?" I said out of disbelief

"You HURT me dad! WHY DO YOU EVEN WANT ME BACK?!?!? FOR WHAT? TO TORTURE ME? TO HURT ME? TO HUMILIATE ME? I DON'T THINK SO! I found a family... They love me....." I said as I started feeling tears run down my face

"Oh, sweetheart. It doesn't work that way! I basically own you. Legally I can take you whenever I want! See?!" he pulled out a peice of paper out of his pocket

"Its your birth certificate. With my last name and signature on it. I marked it." he gave me a look of pride. He was right. It did own me legally...

"Yeah.. you're right dad... you did mark me." I moved my hair to reveal my hair

"Your. Marks." I gave him a glare. He looked at my neck

"What is the meaning of this?!?" the principal asked as he pointed to the bruises on my neck

The prinipal took my arm and pulled me close

"Im sorry sir, I don't think you should take her. [Random name] Call child protective services..." My principal said

"You can't do that!" my.. Father... said.

I had no idea what was going. Levi was just standing outside. He looked mad

"C-can I go outside?" I asked a little shaky

All the principal did was nod. I ran outside and levi hugged me

"A-Are you okay?" he asked. I just nodded

A few minutes went by and Levi's mom showed up. CPS wanted me to stay with Levi's mom, but there will be court meetings. Kuchel is trying to get full cusity of me. It won't be easy. but she will try.

~time skip to a week later because why the fuck not~

I was in my room reading a book. I was reading a good book called "The war that saved my life" it's about a girl with a clubbed foot.. it takes place in world war 2. It's a good book... you should read it. Levi on the other hand was on his bed playing video games. He still had that boring was look on his face... sometimes I wonder why his face is like that all the time. Why he just looks so bored and so unenthusiastic. I don't get it. There are times where he does show emotion.... but it's not that much of it.

It was around 7:00 PM and Kuchel was cooking dinner. She was making baked potatos.

I put down the book and yawned

"Levi... I'm bored.."

"That's not my problem. Go do something"

"But there is nothing to do..."

"Go watch some anime or some shit then."

"I don't have any good ones though!"

"Watch My Hero Academia!!" he looked at me with a slightly annoyed face. I guess I was disturbing him from his game

"Okay, sorry. I'll go watch it... bitch" I mumbled that last part

Levi looked at me

"The hell did you say?" Levi looked at me with a glare. I could tell he was in a bitchey mood

"Nothing... sorry..." I sigh

"I'll stop bugging you now..." I get up and start walking out

"No, wait." I turn around and Levi sighs

"Stay..." He gives me a half smile. I nod and sit down

Levi put down his phone and just stares at me

"Uhm... Levi? Y-you okay?"

He blushes and looks at me. He takes a deep breath

"I'm going to be honest with you...." He looks down

"Y-yeah?" I was starting to get scared

"...i want you to be my girlfriend." He looked at me

"W-what? But Levi we-"

"We're too young I know!" he yelled

"I want you (y/n) I know we're too young. When we get older. Maybe in a year or 2... I want to date you" Levi looks down and sighs

"I just... want.. you" he looks up at you

You were a blushing mess. You didn't know what to say. You're speechless

"I- I want to date you too... I would love too actually..... but-" I was cut off

"(Y/n) can you please just kiss me. You don't have to be my girlfriend. Just kiss me before I fucking loose my mind!" He yelled. I looked at him shocked. Why would Levi feel this Way? How did I do this to him? Out of all people he wanted... He wanted me? Nibba wot?

"O-okay.." I took a deep breath and moved over to levis bed. I sat down next to him. My heart was beating so fast. I looked in his eyes. He has the most beautiful eyes ever...

I started to lean in. Everything went into slow motion. I closed my eyes.

I was there. My lips on his. I couldn't believe it... I never thought I could do something like this

I felt him melt into the kiss. After a while he pulled away. It was weird not feeling the warmth of his lips on mine. But oh well..

"Thank You, (y/n)" he slightly smiles

I nod and smile at him.

|An: so, imma a do a timeskip to high school, cause y'all probably want the relationship and the *demonic slurping* LeMoN--|

~about.. 4 years?~
~(y/n) pov~

It has been 4 years since that kiss with levi... we haven't done really anything after that.. I'm 14 now, going into my first year of high school. I'm a little scared.. What if levi finds someone he likes better? What if I'm not good enough for him?

All those thoughts drown away when I hear Levi get up. I hear him walk over to my bed. I pretend to sleep. He lays down next to me and wraps an arm around me

"I know you're awake (y/n)" he purrs in my ear

"Nnoo...." I say sarcastically

I hear him chuckle. He kisses my cheek

"When can I be your boyfriend?" He whines a little

"When I'm ready" the truth was, I AM ready. I just don't want to rush things...

"That's what you say every time... we're in high school now.." he sighs

"I want to do things with you (y/n) I can hardly wait anymore.." he purrs in my ear

I blush and giggle

"Wait a little more Ackerman.." he groans

"Fuck you (y/n)"

"You wish"

"Yep.." he looks at me

"Levi no-"


HEY!! how is you?! I haven't updated in a while lolol.  Hope you like this chapter hehe--

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