Chapter 3

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~One week time skip~

"(Y/N)!! Are you ready for school?" Kuchel said to me, she does want me to call her mom, but knowing that I already had a mom, it feels so weird

"I am, but I'm so nervous, I'm shaking" I said while holding up my hand

"Tsk, you can come in with me, we are in the same class aren't we?" Said levi

I know now that i do have feelings for Levi, but I'm scared, because if I tell him that, then that Petra girl Levi told me about might go after me, though she might not have the guts, because we all are at least 10 or 11

As I was lost in thought, Levi finally snapped me out of reality

"oi, brat! we're here" He said to me 

I got out of the car and I looked up at the school, it wasn't as big as I thought it was going to be, but it still was large, I just couldn't believe that I was going to school well after 3 years, I was so scared, no I have never been bullied and I wasn't bad at school, its just... I'm scared, that one day while walking home, that my dad..would find me.....brig me back home, and beat me again, and sexually humiliate me...

"Hey.. It's gonna be okay (Y/N) If anyone hurts you, like Petra or some bitch like that, I'll be there for you okay?" He said to me while holding my hand, I held it back, tight.

"Thank you Levi, so, so much" He smiled at me

My eyes widen, I've never seen him smile, hell! I've never seen him laugh!!

"Lets go!" He said, I just nodded, and we ran into the school

When we got into class, Levi was crowded by people, then..

"(Y/N)!!!!!!" I turned around to see a running Hanji, I smiled and opened my arms, but I regret that

The hugged me and we fell on the ground, we were laughing like idiots 

"Ahem" Hanji and I looked over to Levi and the group of kids

"(Y/N)... These people are, Erwin, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and.." He stopped and looked disgusted and annoyed 

"Petra Ral.." He said with a mad expression 

"Awe~~ Leeeviii~~~ Why do you sound mad about me~~ I am your girlfriend after all.." Petra said with a evil expression, I didn't beve a word she was saying, not one

"You dumb bitch! I never dated you ! not once, and I never will okay!??!?! Why can't you get that through your think skull!" Oh goodness, Levi snapped

Everyone was holding in laughter, none of them liked Petra

"Hphm!! I'll get you back Levi Ackerman!" She then looked at me, I felt fear sweep over me, I don't know why, but it did

"Some how.." She said looking at me then she glared at me for a few seconds, then walked away

"She won't get you (Y/N) Shes a pussy" Said a brown haired boy

"Name's Eren! Eren Jeagër!" He said to me holding a hand out, I happily shook it

"I-I'm Armin, Armin Artlet" Said the shy blonde boy, who looked like a coconut

"I'm Mikasa Ackerman" Said the girl who looked like Levi with a red scarf said to me

"Erwin Smith" Said a tall blonde hovering over Arming, like protecting him

"Ooh! Ooh! my turn!! You know me I'm Hanji Zoë!!" Said my new bestfriend Hanji

Then a teacher came in with light short hair, and glasses

"Okay class, sit down, we have a new student, care to introduce yourself (Y/N)?"

I stood up and looked at the class

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N), I'm 10 years old, and I'm new to your classroom" I said, not knowing how to introduce myself

"Ymir, Krista" Said our teacher

"Yes?" Said a brown haired girl with short hair, and a blonde haired girl lifted her head up

"At recess I would like you two to show (Y/N) around please." Said our teacher, I still didn't know the name of

"Yes Ms, Rica" Said the blonde one

"(Y/N) Take a seat next to Levi Ackerman over there" She said pointing at the empty seat next to Levi

I was walking towards my seat, but I felt a shiver go down my spine, I looked back only to see Petra glaring at me, she was frightening, I gulped and kept walking to my seat

~Time skip to recess 'Cause I'm a lazy piece of garbage~

"(Y/N) We're here to show you around the school" Said the blonde haired girl

"My name is Historia, but please, call me Krista" Said the blonde haired girl, and next to her was the brown haired girl, I'm guessing that's Ymir

"Anyway, we'll show you around" Said Krista

As they we're walking around the school, we all became friends, and we all got each others phone numbers, I also found out that Ymir, and Krista were dating~~ Hooray

~Time skip to after school~

I was walking to the car with Levi, and Petra was just glaring at us, lol, why she so salty 

A/N: Sorry xD

I was telling Levi about my day, she just kept walking straight, humming from time to time

Petra's P.O.V 

I can't believe that they live Together, ugh! its not fair, I've admired him for years, and this is what I get?!?!?! Its... Its just not fair! Wait.. What... D-Did I just see him SMILE! at (Y/N)!! He never smiles at me!! or anyone!! Why hr!! I have to make him hate her son! I want.. No... NEED!! Levi to be mine











Whatever it takes.. I'll do anything for him, I need him, I love him

"Petra!!" I heard my mom yell, damn! I was just getting to the good part! I guess I'll think about it later!

"UGGGHH!! Coming mom!!"


Lololololololol, Nope Petra is not a yandere xD she is gonna be a Himedere, sssooorrryyy~!!

Thanks for reading, it means a lot knowing that you clicked this story! I'll update as much as I can, anyway, bbbyyyeee~~~~!!!

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