Chapter 2 Part 2

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I don't own twilight but I do own Cassie, Alex, Ty


Later that day me and Nessie were dropped off outside of Forks a young man around the age of 16 or 17 (he was shirtless) he was leaning against a car when Ness got out of the car she went running to him and he went running to her too. That must be Jacob that Nessie has been telling me all about. I open the car door and got out when Ness got out of the car I could tell be Edward facial expressions that he doesn’t approve of them together I waved goodbye to Edward then he drove off I walked up to them.  “Jake this is Cassie, Cassie this is my boyfriend Jacob who I’ve been telling you all about” Nessie said to me and smiled. I just nodded and stayed Silent Jake was looking confused about why I’m not talking, “Jake Cassie can’t talk she’s mute” I heard Ness say to Jake sadly. “oh I’m sorry to hear, what about I take you two girls to meet the pack at Emily’s” Jake said to us Nessie got into the passenger’s side and I got into the back of the car.

Jake was driving we went past a sign that said “Welcome to La Push please drive carefully”  We drove up through the woods and stopped outside of a cottage “Oh Cass don’t stare Sam doesn’t like it Jake said to me what does he mean? We all got out of the car I followed them to inside the cottage. “Hey guys I’d like you all to meet Cassie, the Cullen’s just adopted her; Cassie this is Paul, Jared and Kim who is Jared’s girlfriend, Embry, Quil Leah and her younger brother Seth, Sam and his wife Emily and finial Brady and Collin” Jake said to them and me, Seth was looking at me differently and Sam’s wife Emily had 3 scars on the right side of her face it looks like claw marks I took my gaze away from Emily in seconds.

Seth’s P.O.V

Jake went to the treaty line to Pick up Ness and someone else, Nessie have been going on all week about how Carlisle and Esme have gone to track down and adopt Renesmee’s twin sister which the Cullen’s had to put up into a foster home about over 15 years ago , all Renesmee knows is that her name is Cassandra. We all heard Jake’s car pull up into the drive way, there was Jake holding hands with Nessie and then a young girl behind them; when I saw the girl clearly I could see that she was so beautiful like an angel. Then I felt a feeling it’s like gravity and my whole centre shifted it’s like the earth isn’t holding me to the ground and I would do anything she needs a friend a brother a protector; she is my soul mate, my love, my life. Then I realised that I’ve imprinted on her and the whole pack knows it, she was all I could think about I was staring down at her goddess beauty. “Hey guys I’d like you all to meet Cassie, the Cullen’s just adopted her; Cassie this is Paul, Jared and Kim who is Jared’s girlfriend, Embry, Quil Leah and her younger brother Seth, Sam and his wife Emily and finial Brady and Collin” Jake said to us Cassie is so beautiful like a angel from heaven then I heard Quil talk to her first.

“Hey Cassie so where did you come from” Quil asked her but Cassie didn’t reply she stayed silent. “She was from a foster home in New York, she’s been in a lot of foster homes for most of her life since she was two years old nobody would foster her” Nessie said in a sad tone why would nobody want a beautiful angel like Cassie? Even by looking at Cassie I could tell that she is kind and caring person.  “Why what’s wrong with Cassie Ness” Quil asked Nessie, “She haven’t talked since she was two years old she is what you call mute” Nessie told us, my imprint is mute; she’s my silent angel I don’t care if she’s mute and can’t talk I will still love her the same. “I know sign language me and Leah’s cousin is partially deaf so the family had to learn how to sign” I said to them and smiled. “You don’t seem like the signing type of person yeah there aren’t many teenage boys who can sign when they aren’t deaf or mute like me” I saw Cassie signed to me I understood everything of what she had signed. “Yeah I kinda like signing it’s cool” I signed back to her Quil and the others were looking confused and puzzled at us signing. “Is this where you all normally hang out because there are a lot of you here?” Cassie signed to me. “ Yeah this is the normal hang out place we get the food free, yeah Emily is a great cook none of us here can cook to save our lives and we’re always starving all the time” I signed to her and chuckled a bit and smiled. “I can’t cook to save my life either” Cassie signed and smiled back to me. “Do you want to sit down Cassie? “ I signed asking her she nodded and we both sat down of Emily’s couch next to each other. We were signing to each other for hours then it was time for Jake to take the girls back and then my silent angel left.

Cassie’s P.O.V

“ Hey Cassie so where did you come from” Quil asked me I couldn’t reply, She was from a foster home in New York, she’s been in a lot of foster homes for most of her life since she was two years old nobody would foster her” Nessie said for me as I couldn’t talk. .  “Why what’s wrong with Cassie Ness” Quil asked Nessie they were all confused except Ness and Jake, “She haven’t talked since she was two years old she is what you call mute” Nessie told them that I was mute. “I know sign language Me and Leah’s cousin is partially deaf so the family had to learn how to sign” I saw Seth talk and sign to me and he smiled to me, “You don’t seem like the signing type of person yeah there aren’t many teenage boys who can sign when they aren’t deaf or mute like me” I signed back to him. “Yeah I kinda like signing its cool” he signed back to me, “Is this where you all normally hang out because there’s a lot of you here?” I signed to him that question pop randomly into my head.  Yeah this is the normal hang out place we get the food free, yeah Emily is a great cook none of us here can cook to save our lives and we’re always starving all the time” He signed and he chuckled a bit and then he smiled cutely to me.  “I can’t cook to save my life either” I signed and smiled its true I’m a hopeless cook a few years back me and Alex started baking and then at the end when we finished the fire men had to come. All of the people in the room were looking confused and puzzled at me and Seth they were thinking about what we were signing about to each other. “Do you want to sit down Cassie? “ Seth signed to me I nodded and then we both sat down on the couch together next to each other, side by side , face to face. I think we were talking/signing to each other for a couple of hours Emily cooked us all lunch that was yummy, Later on it was time for Jake to take me and Ness back home, We all said goodbye to everyone.

When me and Cassie walked in to the house “So how was it? Was it okay for you Cassie” Edward asked me he was with Bella on the “Love Couch” I nodded and smiled faintly, “Yeah Cassie and Seth we Talking/ Signing to each other for hours” Nessie said to Edward. “Girls your dinner is in the oven do you like Pizza and Chips Cassie” Esme said/Signed to us and I signed “yeah” back. After dinner me and Nessie went up to my room.


A/N: Cassie's outfit and Cassie's bedroom link is on my profile

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