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 A/N: From the last chappie, I know the timeline doesn't match but the song matched with the story so I just put it in cause I love it. Also, a kind reminder that I just write the conversation like a dialogue because 7 guys are a lot of task to describe and I somehow got my head twisted with which one is saying what. So that's why. Final. Now go on.. Hihi.. 


          After watching the video, all of the BTS member's are crying, all, yes, all. Including Suga, in the end he bursts out crying, making his members shocked but they keep silent, fall too deep in their own emotions to even care about Suga's sudden outburst. Minutes passes, Bang Sihyuk makes his way in and sit back on the couch he left before. 

Bang: You guys are not okay. Looking at the tears in your eyes, staining your cheek.

The boys hang their head low, not knowing how to answer him. Bang Sihyuk lets out a sigh before saying, 

Bang: Do you understand now why I want her to stay?

They nod. 

Bang: Do you know now why she refused?

They nod. 

Bang: Are you clear now on why I said she can't lie?

They nod, still sniffing. Acknowledging that an Angel couldn't lie even if she wants to.. 

Bang: Actually, there's a few part that was cut. It was a part where her family members got attacked by the same person and she didn't want the scene in her video. She couldn't bear it anymore. She didn't want them to get hurt. At first, I can't accept the reality that she left everything behind, her family, wealth, honour and even her name.I resented her for leaving. How could she do that? Without any word, she disappear. But after she left the office, she did called me and explained to me on why she left and I couldn't stay mad at her as I understand her situation.

They still hang their head low, listening to Bang Sihyuk. 

Bang: Do you have any question?

RapMon: Is she the killer that she'd been talking all this while?

Bang: Yes. She killed her soulmate, Enrique that night. She even tried to kill her eldest, Ryuki but he fought back with the help of his other brothers and for sure, she let Aqieyra watch it.

Jin: Why did she do that? Out of jealousy?

Bang: That's one of the reason. She's obsessed with him. She fell in love too deep with him that she lost herself. The rejection was too big and hard for her to handle. Enrique treating Aqieyra with all his love isn't helping her either. It adds fuel to the fire. "

J-Hope: What's going to happen to her now?

Bang: Well, I don't know. For sure, I'll help her find her way back and if she asks me to do something for the sake of our safety, I won't think twice but follow her demand. It's for our own good so I don't see any reason on why I should refuse. She knows the situation and the risk better than I am. It all depends on her. "

Taehyung: Bang PD-Nim, is it dangerous for her to stay here? We will get hurt?

 Bang: I see you're worried, Taehyung-ah. She decided to stay, didn't she? It means she did every calculations needed and yes it would be dangerous. You might get hurt but just because the risk are there, doesn't mean she'll let that happen. She hold responsibility and she know, if she stay, she has the responsibility of protecting you and keep you safe, away from any sort of harm. So, don't worry about it. As I said just know, she knows the situation and the risk better than anyone else.

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