2 : Body Parts/Info

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[Body Parts/Info]

Audios – the ears, also called ‘audio sensors’, ‘audio relays’, ‘audio receptors’.

Back strut – like the human spine, sometimes called a ‘dorsal column’ by medics.

Chassis – Generally refers to the chest area, but can also refer to a mech's body in general such as the phase, “He really risked his chassis for me!”

Ear Finial - Where the ‘audio receptor’ resides.

Fuel Lines/Fuel pump - the circulatory system basically. Fuel pump is like a heart and fuel lines are like human veins pumping coolant, energon, conductive fluids, and other necessary liquids through a transformer's frame.

Helm – skull.

Hydraulics – like a human's musculature. Hydraulic lines are what allow movement and mods can be made to hydraulics to strengthen them.

Neural-net/processer – the Cybertronian brain,  or CPU, it’s all the neural-circuitry inside the helm, the memory core, all brain related structures and where most of a Transformer’s complex software will be stored

Neural-circuitry – circuitry to do with the nervous system, sensation, pain, pleasure, anything to do with the senses.

Pedes – feet

Port/Jack/Interface panel – somewhere on a Transformer where a physical uplink is possible, usually through a cable link and this uplink can be as boring as a data transfer or as sexy as an overload.

Rotator Cuff - The mechanism that enables shoulder movement; the shoulder joint.

Servo – Limb on a Transformer's body, generally equated to the human hand.

Spark - The equivalent to the human heart and/or soul; it keeps the systems in the body functioning and is what makes Transformers unique and individual; said to be a part of the essence of Primus. The charge from a spark powers the body and mind of a Transformer and sometimes the interruption of the charge can cause comas and vegetative states. (See Zero Point.)

Spark Casing/Chamber – This structure will vary in design, depending on a bot’s frame-type or modifications, but the spark ‘chamber’ is generally the internal structure that supports the spark casing which is a kind of lock-box around the spark itself. The casing must be consciously opened usually, but can also open unconsciously during moment of arousal or be manually opened by a medic or lover. Used to be popular among Towerlings to modify or engrave the spark casing or change the design to be more aesthetically pleasing, thus the term ‘fancy spark’. Tends to be a heavy concentration of nerves and neural lines around the spark casing and in the chamber though one may undergo procedure to remove tactile sensors. The means damage to the spark will hurt less, but limit other kinds of sensation.

Vicarious Perception - A general term for a split-spark medical condition in which twins become physically aware of one another, sharing strong sensory data and even emotional feedback. The strength, frequency, and nature of the link varies from twin to twin - some sharing only mild emotional feedback, others sharing thoughts so fully they lose track of which mech is which, etc. In extreme cases, the death of one twin can kill the other too. It is debatable whether the death of a one twin simultaneously killing the other is a actual physical effect acting as an actual kill-trigger for the other... or if the living twin simply goes insane and kills themselves as a result of losing their other half. The intensity and nature of a set's vicarious perception determines whether or not the death of one twin will simply hurt the other or take them offline completely. (The aspect of Vicarious Perception is a huge thing in this story so I felt that I needed to include)

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