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Taste receptors- Receptors found on the 'glossa' or 'tounge' of a Transformer and makes it so it can 'taste'.

Teletran I- proper noun: shipboard computer and database for the Autobot ship, the Ark; often misspelled as "Teletran One", "Teletran-1", etc.

transformverb: the act of a Transformer changing from one mode to another (noun: transformation); this usually involves much shifting of body parts, which themselves generally look like hybrids between limbs and pieces of machinery; this act is almost always accompanied by some form of the Noise; see also: Noise

Transformerproper noun: sentient, living species of robots (mostly) originating from the far-off mechanical planet of Cybertron (see: Cybertron); the title derives from the apparently inherent ability of most, if not all, of these robots to change their shapes and forms from a robotic primary mode (generally, but not always, humanoid in form) to an alternate mode (mostly mechanical, vehicle, weapon, or animal in appearance and function); historically, this species has usually been divided between two warring factions, the "good" Autobots (and their descendents, the Maximals) and the "evil" Decepticons (and their descendents, the Predacons), with a few (often ignored, seldom happy) neutrals hanging around on the sidelines and in the crossfire; see also: Autobot and Decepticon

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