Race against time

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Mia's pov
May 3rd
40 weeks pregnant

I woke up swimming in my own sweat. I had beads of sweat falling down my face, I took my hand and wiped them off onto my shirt. My hands went down to my stomach a sharp pain radiating throughout it.

"Ouch!" I cried

I tore the blanket off of me and walked around the dark room. I read the clock 3:15am. The light in the bathroom was on and I slowly opened the door. Alex was sitting on the toilet smoking a joint and blowing the smoke out the little window.

"Mia are you alright?" He asked his bloodshot eyes meeting mine

"I don't know I feel like I'm gonna throw up" I groaned hunched over

Alex came over to me with the joint between his lips. His eyes looked lost but concerned at the same time. He had his arm on my back and pulled my head up to meet eyes.

"Throw up then" He said and I shook my head

"I can't it only happens when I get a sharp pain- ouch" I groaned

"Shit are you going into labor?" He asked

"I don't know I never had a baby Alex"

"Fuck me either" He chuckled

"Alex" I hissed

"Okay sit down, do you want me to call Austin?" He asked

I sat down on the tub ledge and stayed leaning over to help with the pain. I knew Austin shouldn't have gone on that trip to Seattle something in me told me it was a bad idea. He wasn't supposed to come back until Thursday.

"Yeah call him it's kinda late their"

"Who cares how late it is he needs to get on a plane down here if your going into labor"

"Yeah I know but he's got important meetings for his company this is such bad timing"

"I'll call him don't go nowhere" He said holding smoke in

I tried to stay calm and push through the pain but it really sucked and it felt like someone kept kicking me. I never had a baby before and frankly I don't think I wanna have another.

Alex rushed back into the bathroom without the joint now. He had his phone in his hands and he placed it on the vanity before he came over to see how I am.

"Austin answered and he wants me to call him back if we go to the hospital and they say your in labor and he's got the plane waiting" He said

"Alright I don't know I mean if they get closer together then we should go but I don't want him to fly home and miss his meetings for nothing" I sighed

Alex and I waited and sat on the ledge. The contractions were getting closer together and the scary thought that kept going through my head was this is happening now. I was scared and happy and overwhelmed all at the same time. I had Alex here but I wanted Austin here too. I didn't wanna go to the hospital I didn't wanna face the inevitable but I had no choice if I waited any longer I was gonna have this baby in this bathroom.

"Alex fuck I don't think we can wait anymore their getting really close" I groaned

"Alright I'll call Austin okay stay here" He said snatching his phone off the vanity and leaving into the darkness

"Fuck!" I cried on the verge of tears

"Yeah she's in a lot of pain, I know we're going to the hospital now" Alex said into the phone while helping me walk into the bedroom "See ya soon"

He hung the phone up and shoved it in his basketball shorts. He picked up the nearest pair of jeans and slid them over his shorts and pulled a shirt off the hanger. I was still in my pajamas and didn't care because I knew I was gonna have to change into a gown anyway.

"Where's Austin" I cried

"He's on his way, getting in the plane as we speak" He said shoving clothes into a duffle bag

"What if he doesn't make it?" I asked

"Don't worry I'll be their the whole time" he said flashing me a smile

He grabbed my hand and we walked out into the living room. I slid my shoes on while he pulled his Jordan's on and searched through the messy draws for his keys. He grabbed his hat off the floor on the way out and put it on backwards over his messy bed hair.

We made our way down to the parking garage and got in the car. I sat their trying not to cry through the contraction I was having. Luckily Miami hospital wasn't to far away.

"Are you alright Mia?" He asked driving faster then the speed limit

"Uh I guess" I groaned

"Were almost their"

When we got their Alex parked in the emergency and we ran inside. The nurses looked at me and someone brought me over a wheelchair. I sat down happy to not be standing because I thought the baby would fall out if I did for another second.

"I'll be right back I'm gonna park the car" Alex said

They wheeled me down to a room and I changed into a gown. They started hooking IVs up to me and checking my blood pressure. They said that I was almost 3 centimeters dilated and that I would probably be having this baby in the morning. I was scared beyond scared. Even though I was in a hospital full of people I felt so alone.


What do you think?

Baby Phoenix is gonna be born and theirs no sign of Austin coming before he's born. Austin can't miss his first born but will he have a choice. A race against time begins.

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