Chapter 1

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~Hope u enjoy the first chapter. Make sure to comment your views~


My name is Abigail Anderson and I'm the daughter of two people who are a "big deal" as everyone says. My Mother is the top designer in the country and My Father owns a lot of companies and is a big businessman. Seems very cool right? It isn't as cool as it seems, to be honest it actually sucks a lot. My parents worked all the time, they never made time for my older brother, Aaron or me. They were always busy working, attending big parties and travelling. As Aaron and I grew up we gave up on waiting around for our parents and stood by each other all the time. Every hard thing I went through in life he stood there by me and helped me.

Kingston high- I had the best clothes all the time, making me the most envied girl in school. You could say I was the queen bee of this school and everyone loved me. I hang out with people who have famous parents and I don't waste time on boys.

Growing up with famous parents isn't as glamorous as it seems. It made going to school really hard because everyone expected me to be a snobbish, mean person so I just pretend like I am because it's easier. No one would want me if I wasn't like this. And to the tell you the honest truth I wasn't a big fan of having perfect clothes or anything of that sort. But that's for another time.



I, William Tanner am the most hot guy you'll ever know. Not even kidding.
Girls love me, guys are jealous of me, I'm like the one and only person who everyone is obsessed with I mean not to be bragging or anything but it's true.

My dad never had time for my mom, me or my little sister. She's 5 and she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. She keeps me sane and not from hurting anyone and mostly myself. She was utterly the most bubbly person. Kathy short for Katherine I loved her so much. My mom is caring she tries to raise Kathy and me all by herself.

So apart from all of this. I was shifting to California because my dad thinks he'd be able to earn more money there. I was shifting to some place called Kingston high pretty sure I'd have all the girls swoon on the first day.

People hated me for my guts and being a 'fuckboy' but what they never understood was that I only did all of this to hide my actual broken self because if anyone found out about my tough life I'd be living in hell.

Not what it seems like जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें