Chapter 4

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~hope your enjoy this chapter, don't forget to comment on your favourite part~

"Abigail you're late again, must I remind you that it's not polite to be late!" My mother exclaims.
"Well hello to you too mother." I murmur. I see my mum narrow her eyes at me, she hates people not speaking up, but hates it more when they do.

"Hello father" I greet my father as he's done with his business call.
"Hello darling. How was school?" He asks. "Going good"
And the dinner begins.

"Have you heard about Mirandas daughter, they say she's off to Harvard this year and her boyfriend is graduating from Yale this year" my mother says, she loved to gossip about other people and their children.
"Yes Emily. Aaron how's your girlfriend..uhhh Serena." My dad asks my brother
"We broke up like 2 months ago dad" best parents. Not at all.
"That's okay honey with your grades like yours and this football scholarship you earned, you'll find someone. Unlike Abigail who's too busy with lord know what" criticising mother of mine states.
"That's not true mom, Abbs is just too good for the guys is our school" my brother supports me.
"Yeah and who wants to go hoe around when they could be doing better things like going to animal shelters" I say rolling my eyes.
"Abigail that is no way to talk to your mother. You know very well that with a past like yours you just cannot be left alone, because of which your brother needs to sit and babysit you all the time, incase you pull a stunt." My mother screams
"The only reasons he has to do that mother is because you fail at doing the one Job most important, raising your children" I scream as a tear slid off my face and run to my room.

I walk in to my room and shut the door. I let our a shaky breathe and wipe my hands on dress, blinking away the tears. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and held my dress from the corner.
My dad tried making time for my brother and I but was never successful and my mom was always too busy with creating perfect children, she always wanted herself and the things around her to be perfect. She only criticised me, even through my toughest times, through which she was not with me, she didn't leave a chance to bring it all back.

I always hide myself up being fake smiles, and mean and snobbish comments, I'm worried people will see my scars and flaws, and think I'm weak but maybe that is what I am?

I am just a little weak girl who runs away from her problems because I'm too much of a coward to own up to my problems like normal humans.
I don't want anyone seeing these scars, seeing these flaws, looking at me like a weak person because it reminds me of my past and the mistakes I've made.

I went to bed thinking about the last few years and kept wishing to go back to change it all to change me. And with that I drifted into my sleep.


Next chapter is from William's point of view!! Sorry for the short chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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