Chapter 2

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I woke up with the sound of my alarm clock going off for the first day back to school.
I got off bed and the cold air hit me like a brick, I hated getting out of my cozy blankets.

I got out of my comfy overalls and into the shower. After the Long shower, I went onto putting on my makeup. I hated wearing makeup early in the morning cause it was so much work but I had to because reputation. Life was just brilliant. Not.

I put on my contacts and wore a red dress with a black leather jacket because it was chilly but I knew it could get hot.

I drove to school and I went over to my locker with my "two minions" they told me my new time table and all the new things happening so I would be updated. They reminded me I had to hold cheerleading tryouts this weekend. I'd been the cheerhead for a very long time.

I was walking over to class and I bumped into some ass who didn't have a hold of himself! He spilled his coffee all over my dress. How dare he!

"Excuse me! Do I need to get you a new pair of eyes cause it seems like the ones you have don't work. Can't you see where you're going?" I screamed angrily

The boy or rather a really huge guy I mean I barely reached his shoulder but then again I was short. He had brown eyes, brown hair;messy. And he freaking spilled his coffee all over me!

"Hey hey missy calm down it's just coffee not like I burned your dress or something" he said. "Who do u think you are again? Don't u tell me to calm down you spilled coffee all over my dress, ruined my day, and act like it's alright£ it's not. Get out of my way you freak "
"Well alright little one, off you go. Wouldn't wanna get little missy more upset now would we " he said with a smirk on his face.

I have never been more angry. I didn't say anything because I wouldn't wanna waste my breathe on a useless creature.

"Who does he think he is?" I screamed entering the washroom. I cleaned my dress well tried making it look presentable. I hid the stain with my jacket. "Who is that idiot" was all that was on my mind.
And then the bell rang and I realised I'd be late for class. On my first day.
Way to go!


"Good luck for school" my little sister screamed  and gave me a tight hug from my moms arms as I left the house.
First day jitters? Nope not at all.
I got coffee on the way over to the school. Id been to the place before so I knew the way and I drove there.

I walked into Kingston High. Were the girls pretty? Who am I kidding they were sexy!
I got in and had about 10 girls ask me if I needed help. I found my locker and got all the books I needed. I got my timetable out and it read English room-W167.

I was walking with the timetable in one hand and my coffee in the other trying to figure out where to go. When something bumps into me.
I look at what just happens and I realise that it was someone. Oopsie woopsie

She looked up to me. She seemed really angry. Doesn't scare me.
She was tiny! I mean she was like 5'3 and I was 6'2. It was so cute I mean she was so angry but what she didn't know was that if I wanted for her to shut up I'd be able to toss her around.

She had black straight-wavy hair. Is that even possible? She had jet black eyes. She was so petite. Before I could go on to notice her more. She starts screaming at me. Now I wanted to scream back but knowing that I would cause
1) me being late to class. On my first day.
2) drama.
I didn't want all that today. First day shit. My parents warned me to not cause trouble well won't last long but then again let's just let it be right??

She went off and I went on looking for my class.


That's chapter two you all! I hope u liked it❤️

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