Chapter 2

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As you got to the school, the screams of children grew louder. Were they having fun? Were they being murdered? Who knows. It's a mystery, and that's what makes it so beautiful.

Naruto spotted someone and sprinted away. "Hey Sa-sakura..." he called, leaving you and Sai alone. The both of you watching him approach a girl with long pink hair, only to watch him be turned down and the group of girls start to laugh.

You knew this probably wouldn't keep him down for long, and he would most likely attempt the same thing the next day.

Suddenly, you feel a sharp sting across your face. You spit out blood, and blink to clear your head. "Who the-" you freeze. It was Lee. Sai stood beside you, tensed. Lee is looking down at you with a pleased look spread across his face.

"Ha ha ha, yes Lee my boy. Don't ever hold back, and let your youth be released!" a voice shouts somewhere behind him. Guy Sensei pops up, tears streaming down his face. "My god, Lee. I can't believe how much pure STRENGTH you packed into that blow!"

Rock Lee turns to him and gives him a dazzling white smile, with his thumb up. "Thank you Sensei! You have trained me wonderfully!" he says with enthusiasm.

I feel my face where he slapped me. I can't believe he did it in front of everyone. Usually it was early before or after school, when no one was around to stop him. But this time, it was in front of everyone, even his Sensei! Who seemed to be encouraging him...

I reached to my side to grab Sai, but he was gone. He must have ran... I think, cursing his name. But before I can make another move, I hear a cry from above.

"Ninja art! Super beast scroll!" Sai yells,hovering on an ink drawn bird and a huge dragon creature springs at Lee. He jumps back from surprise, but it still catches his jumpsuit. However, Lee was too fast and Sai's jutsu was too strong. The jumpsuit ripped, leaving Lee nearly bare. He looked more furious than I'd ever seen him.

"Yes Lee! Show off your youthful spirit... Wow them with all your willpower... You are the best!" Guy cried once again, tears still coming down his face.

"Enough, you old man!" Lee screeched. "Give me your suit right now."

Guy suddenly straightened up."But... Lee. What will I wear?"

"Does it look like I care? Figure it out, jeez. I have more important things to do than worry about what you wear." Lee snapped, and Guy looked sad.

"Very well boy, whatever will make you feel most confident..." he sniffed. The man pulled off his green suit and handed eit over to Lee. "Please be careful, these were expensive..."

Sai and I watched this whole situation unfold. We didn't notice the entire schoolyard had stopped and was now watching them too. I back up until I was beside Sai once again.

"Thanks," I breathed. "No one has ever stepped in like that before."

Sai looks at me with sad eyes. "You mean it's happened before? And you never told me? Does Naruto know?"

I shake my head, keeping my eyes trained on the ground. "No one knew, Sai. But everyone saw it just now. They're all gonna think I'm so weak."

"Never! Everyone here looks up to you as an exceptional shinobi! You're one of the top in our class!" Sai says with surprise.

I faintly smile. "I bet I would be top, if it weren't for you and the Uchiha."

"Haha well, (Y/N), when it comes to you, you'd top and I would be on the bottom," he gives me a close eyed smile.

"What?" I ask, but he ignores my question, telling me it was time to go to class.

And so this continued for the rest of the month. Lee lashing out at me, Sai coming to my aid, and then saying something strange. Finally, Lee graduated and became a Genin. My biggest problem seemed to be over, for now. I could enjoy my last year in peace, without having to worry about him harassing me constantly.

Unfortunately, he had been placed under Guy Sensei, so I knew if I ever saw him there would be no change, but I can hope.

My last year at the academy passed pretty peacefully. Naruto and Sasuke seemed to despise each other more and more each day. Sai continued to visit, and Hinata too when her father allowed her. As our graduation neared, we all became more and more excited to finally become Genin. Naruto had always swore to become Hokage, and he told us all proudly this was his first step.

We all took the final exam, and passed, Naruto barely scraping by. After it was finished, we all promised to meet up and grab something to eat. Hinata, Naruto and I waited almost two hours before a Jonin asked us why we were still there.

"We're waiting for our friend," I explain to him. "He was supposed to meet us here after his exam."
He seemed to realize something. "Oh- is Sai the name of your friend?" he asked.

"Yes! Yes, that's him. Do you know where he is?" I demanded.

"Uh, that boy displayed exceptional talent, and a rare ninja style. He was recruited to the ANBU immediately."

"What? When will he be back?" I say, in shock.

"When he decides to leave- that could be years from now, or even never. Are you familiar with the ANBU Black Ops?" he says to us.

Naruto cuts in. "Yeah, they're like some super secret military force and no one knows their identities!"

The man nods his head. "I'm sorry you didn't get to say bye to your friend."

I shrug. "His choice, I'm going home, I want to be refreshed for when I meet my new team tomorrow!"

Naruto and Hinata eagerly nodded, so we all decided to go our separate ways, never giving Sai a second thought.


second chapter hope u like it <333 there will be lots of romance soon! plz vote and add to your library so u know when i update

also the question of the day: who is your fave akatsuki member!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i luv kisame he is so hot lol ill put a cute picture of him below hehe 

comment ur fave akatsuki member

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Bullied by Rock Lee (Rock Lee x Reader, Sasuke x Reader, SasuNaru)Where stories live. Discover now