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Tap..! Tap..!
Their was an Unknown tap?
A Sound coming from the other side of the Shore, I'm unsure of...

Tap..! Tap..!
Have you ever wonder? What is this Unknown feeling that chase you down the rope...

Tap..! Tap..!
A voice deep down the heart know's what it say's? Can you gesture any of it! What was does it say...?

Tap..! Tap..!
Believe it or not! Your mind may play games with you, makes you wondered what was the right way to breathe?

Tap..! Tap..!
Collide of two opposites what you may call Love" but what you call if they break into two which was in one piece?

Tap..! Tap..!
Seeing one suffer the fate of injust in their life as the eyes gleam tears of endless despair...

Tap..! Tap..!
High and End..? Low and Start..? Doesn't making any sense into the dead cell's of mind 'cause you never wanted to know them Tap..! Tap..! There it goes again an unwavering Tap on the door, it doesn't stop until you let it to come in_

Hence you got No choice in the regard_ it will not clam down not, No not till you let it torment on every little Uhh..? What you say? Hmm! Ah.. The thing you call Hope!

Tap..! Tap..!
Oh camme onn! Just give me a break. Doesn't your hand hurt to Tap constantly with no rest!! Hear my answer; no matter how much patients you have or whatever you got their? their's no way am giving in just with out any fight, not ganna bow down my head not till I got one white string of heir on my head, and in the end am going to leave this world with lot.. lots of happiness along with me! Now get you stupid face out of here SUICIDE!!!😼😼😼

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