Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

“I’m so bored!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. 

I was lying upside down on Cole’s bed while he was sitting at the head of the bed on his laptop.  He looked down at me and rolled his eyes.

“Your boyfriend needs to come back soon so you can leave me alone”

“Stop complaining.  Its not like you have a life or anything”

He kicked me and I attempted to kick him back but I fell of the foot of the bed.  I got up and he was rolling around laughing his butt off.  I jumped back on the bed and tackled him.  I was trying my hardest to pin him but it didn’t work and he pinned me on the bed.

“Big brothers always win little girl”

He pushed me to the other side of the bed and I sat up and acted like I was dusting something off of my clothes.  I leaned on his shoulder and looked at his laptop.  He was on Tumblr, completely unexpected.

“You like Tumblr?” I asked with a shocked sarcastic look

“No I like the awesome porn it has”  I gave him a disgusted look and punched him in the arm

“Why don’t you go hang out with Meg or something”

“Because her and Carson are probably out somewhere”

“Go do your homework”

I turned to him and rolled my eyes.  I walked into my room and grabbed my school stuff and my laptop.  I walked back into Coles room where he hadnt moved a muscle.  I sat down next to him and started my math homework.  It took me almost an hour but finally I finished and mom called over the intercom for dinner.

Downstairs the only people there were mom, dad, Carson, Chris, and me.

“Where is everyone?”

“Well the twins had practice.  Carson and Megan are together for dinner, Cody and his family are staying at the beach house with Chad and Haley.  That just leaves you two” Mom explained with a sad look on her face

 I turned to look at Cole who seemed to not be phased by the fact that we were the only two without a life.

“Hows Jane?” I asked Cole who almost choked at the sound of her name

“Good, she’s working a lot though so I never get to see her”

Cole and Jane were pretty serious considering they had only been together for a few weeks.  I always saw him on his phone texting her.  I had to admit she had him wrapped around her finger.  He sometimes leaves the house at weird hours with food from dinner for her when she works late shifts at the hospital.

After dinner I sat in the livingroom with my dad watching some golf tournament.  Golf really isnt a spectator sport.  I cuddled up to my dads side and put my head on his lap.

“You okay baby girl?”  I just shrugged and looked up at him.

“Come sit up”  I sat up a rested my head on his shoulders while he wrapped his arms around me.  He changed the T.V. input to Apple TV and got on to Youtube.  He played Guns in the Ghetto by UB40.  I absolutely loved this song.  When I had turned five my parents each took me out for a special day.  My mom took me for a spa and shopping day where my dad took me to the batting cages and the beach house.  While we were at the beach house my dad turned on the radio and that song started to play.  I remember falling asleep on the futon in the beach house while that song was playing and not even making it to the beach.

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