Chapter 15

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[A/N] I’m not sure if anyone had noticed the new cover but I really like it so that’s why this is dedicated to JarFullOfCookies.

Picture on the side is Danny

Chapter 15

We just layed there staring at the stars with our fingers intertwined.  I looked over at Nate and I saw a tear fall from his eyes.  I rolled over and snuggled close to him and he wrapped his arms around me and I did the same.

“This is gonna work Case.  Alright?  Don’t worry” I stuck my face in the nook of his neck.

“I know” I whispered 

We spent the rest of the night just laying there.  Tomorrow Nate was leaving and I just wanted to spend the rest of this day with him.  I spent the night at his house.  We spent most of the night together playing video games.

“I am totally kicking your butt right now” I teased while sniping him from a tower in Call of Duty.

“Please, you’re just watching my screen” I noticed he was three kills more than me and the timer was running out.  I tackled him right at the last minute.

“You are such a cheater!” he yelled back at me.  I stradeled him and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“I love you Casey”

“I love you too Nathan”

~~~ 3 days later ~~~

Getting home from school I ran upstairs to my room and jumped on my bed.  I opened my laptop and skype was already opened.  I had already missed three calls from Nathan.  I looked in my mirror and fixed my hair, who knew running and jumping made your hair so ugly.  I called Nathan back.  Thos six seconds of waiting were the longest six seconds of my life.

“Hello beautiful”

“Hey there good looking” I winked and gave him a little smirk.

“Jeez, I miss you so much.  How’s school going for you?” His question took me back a little.  School wasn’t going so great without him.  I had Meg and my brothers there but Meg and Carson were always together and I wasn’t planning on third wheeling.  

“It good but I miss you a lot”

“I do too babe” he looked down at his watch. “Hey, I’ll call you later okay?”

“K” I sort of felt my heart sink.  Every time I called him he would cut everything short and then after talking for two minutes he would have to leave.

“Love you” The screen went blank and I was left there looking at my own reflection on the screen.

“Casey hurry up!”  I was running late for getting ready for school.  I threw on a pair of jeans and Bella design original top.  I ran downstairs and was tackled by Chad.

“Dude! What was that for?” I tried pushing him off me but I seriously had no chance.

“Do you know what today is?”

“Friday” Nothing special about Friday except it’s the end of a long week of school.

“Its grandparents week!” I felt my eyes get big.  Grandparent week is when my mom’s family flys in for a week and basically bags on all of us.  Thankfully Cody had his baby so they will probably spend most of their time critizing Katie about not being married yet and having a kid.

“Tell mom that I’m going to be late home tonight I have… studying!”  I ran outside finally being able to get out from under Chad and took the passenger seat in Carson’s car.

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