Day 3

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Aaron, Anya, and I became, I think, friends and I trusted them enough to actually come up to them. It was strange, having friends that you can't see anywhere else but for four hours a week In a crappy academy. Our teacher, Daniel, asked us to do some weird alphabet thing where you create a letter with a partner. I partnered up with a short boy who I still to this day owe 1$. Aaron teamed up with two girls, Harriet who was talented in everything, and homeschooled. The other was Jen. She had shaved half her head and looked amazing. I really was jealous but I don't exactly know of what. I usually find some random person to like so I can just like them and nothing else. I probably sound insane but I knew it would happen. But I didn't hope.
        After the lesson my step dad picked me up. Never thought I'd ever hate leaving as much as I did that day. The class brought out a different side of me. One where I left my depression and suicidal thoughts and walked through hell happy. My step dads name was Steve. He had tattoos and was from Greece. He looked Greek too. I hated him even if he made my mom happy. When he picked me up  he looked at me and told me something I never wanted to hear. ever.

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