Day 7

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Weeks went by, and Gracie ended up having detention almost everyday. It became so bad that I ended up talking to her about it. "Gracie, sweetie, I don't mean to pressure you, but come on! All of this?" I wasn't don't talking, but Gracie apparently thought I was, " well I'm sorry if my PARENTS GAVE UP ON ME! The only right thing to do is give up as well!" She burst into tears as she said that. But I didn't feel bad for what i said- it HAD to be said! Gracie just stormed out of the room, and I wondered if she would ever be the same. Her birthday was around the corner, but I don't think it matters to her.
       Acting turned into an escape- not from my mom, or my class, but from Gracie. She was so young, but she could scream like a teenager. At my acting class, I was never serious, but I was still a little sassy ( or so I was told) everyday, we would practice the same script, play the same acting games, and never talk about anything serious. A horn named Ava, also known as a shallow little b*tch, got sick of this, and tried to open us up. We wouldn't budge. After a while, she burst. She was sooo annoyed, but what do I care? She ruined my chance to get the lead role in another program! He LITERALLY spilled lemonade on my white skirt before my audition, made it look like I pushed her off the stage, and made me lose my script! Honey, NO! Anyways, she exploded and started to yell at me. FIRST OF ALL- I was not the one who didn't want to be serious! That was Avril mostly! I'm not gonna point fingers though...  "Why can't you just relax for just a MINUTE?! Honestly, I just want one sane person in this stupid class!!" I could feel Aaron drooling at her without even seeing him. Why was it that he was attracted to her? She was just an annoying little- okay I've ranted too much... any ways after that lesson, only me and Aaron remained waiting for our parents, as always, then he sighed in a daze,"Ava is so amazing! Her hair looks like a waterfall, her eyes are like the ocean, she flows like a river- she's water!" What? What in the world?!, "yeah if you mean full and dull like water then yeah" I muttered, trying to prove something. "What do you have against her?" He asked me after a few moments of silence," why should I like her?" "Because I do! And friends like the other friends friend!" Excuse me?? There were so many things wrong with this. Friends should hate whoever the other friend hates. That's the rule. Also- did he just friend-zone me?? Ok that's not important," what? WHAT?? Okay be that way- but I still hate her!" Right then, after I said that, our acting teacher walked out of the elevator,"hey kids!! Class was great today! Is it okay if I wait here with you guys?" Me and Aaron silently nodded, not breaking our straight faces. I didn't look at him for the rest of the 5 minutes till the teacher left," damn, they are late today" I spat out." Maybe our parents are off making out somewhere" I couldn't stop myself- I started laughing because it might be true. My mom has been single forever now, and it was just a matter of time. He laughed too, but his laughter soon turned into tears. I later learned why he was crying.
       The next lesson, I was still mad at him, but mostly because I wanted to prove a point. I takes more to the gay couple in our class, lily and Margaret. They had been together for two weeks, and I shipped it soooo much!!! The class joked a lot that day, but we became quieter and quieter until the hours ended. "I was crying because my mother-" I turned around. It was the end of the lesson, and I was going to wait outside because waiting inside with him was too awkward. I was halfway out the door when the whisper-yelled This."i know you, you want to know why I was bawling like a baby" I walked over to him slowly, but he obviously didn't want me too," okay, you want to tell me?" I said in a sassy manner. "jk I was crying because it as a good joke" oh my god, what is it with him? He is an idiot who can't understand that I was worried. I can't believe that I actually thought he was going to open up. My mom came and picked me up earlier, and the whole way home I was smiling. I think I like my acting class.
A.n. lol this chapter was more bass around Aaron and the narrator but whatever. Alright have a good day because I actually made a long chapter (yay!)

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