Day 9

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Even if it was a Christmas break, I still had acting lessons. I didn't mind though, it was more Christmas with them than at home. We set up a Christmas tree, ribbons, and we set up a little secret Santa thing. "This is stupid" Anya would repeatedly tell me,"it's not like have to, or...?" She obviously paused because of the look on my face." Do you have a resting mad face, or are you annoyed?" She added," oh! Sorry, no, I'm not annoyed, but I kinda think it sounds fun!" Now she was the one with the weird face,"please don't hate me." I said high pitched and lowly. She nodded slowly, then smiled a bit," okay"
      "🎶SHE WORE BLUUUEEE VELVET🎶" I sang at the top of my lungs, in a joking voice. The class and I were on the terrace shouting/singing random lyrics to the whole city. It was the day before Christmas, and no one was happy about it. Because it didn't snow in San Francisco, the air was just plain old cold. Temperatures in winter were always strange, and this year, it was cold. All of us were wearing thick jackets, and pants. Me? I was wearing a black fur coat, with black leather gloves. My hair was in a high ponytail, I was in heels (as always) and Scottish patterned pants. I was so proud of my outfit that day. "God, it's freezing" Avril said, stating the obvious,"well duh" I laughed out. Something about the cold air made me more sassy than ever; everyone knew it. Every one was affected by the cold air, Harriet was sadder, Avril awkward, Aaron quiet, Anya dazed, the girl who looked like a living instagram account (Miriam) flirtatious, me sassy, and Ava bored easily. "🎶SOMETHING 'BOUT THIS WEATHER MAKES THESE KIDS GO CRAZY" Aaron shouted, mimicking my love for Lana del Rey. Anya shook her whole body, waking up, and suggested we go inside, so we did.
      "I hope you guys have your secret Santa presents ready! We're opening them tomorrow, at Marilyn's partaaaayy!" Daniel, our teacher, basically yelled with enthusiasm at us. I have had a party at my house every single year, it's really insane. I invited the entire class, so instead of opening them the day before Christmas, we could open the ON Christmas. Everyone was bumbling about the party saying," OH MAH GAWD THIS IS GONNA BE SAHH LITT!!" And stuff like that. If I had known they would make that big a deal of it, I wouldn't have invited them. Well, maybe I would have... heck, I still would've. My mind was thinking about the party, what it had in store for us, and that only.
A.N. day 10 is Christmas... I love Christmas

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