Chapter 1: Heart attack

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A/N: Vote, comment and share my butterterians! :)


I've always been at the bottom of the society ladder. The way people look at me has always been different from others. I can't say I mind but sometimes it baffles me. 

Why can't people mind their own business? Must they try to make someone's life hell? Especially those who live off gossips. It's like their bread and butter.

I've known for a fact that school is nothing without juicy gossips. It's what keeps the school alive and fun but unfortunately for me, I'm the topic they're all talking about. Their scrutinizing stares gives them away. I could already see the topics of their discussion, 'New tomboy girl takes an interest in soccer'

I mean, come on! Is there a crime that says girls can't take a liking to sports?! I have trouble seeing how people look at things nowadays. Back in Florida, if someone knows how to play soccer, you would become instantly famous. Not to mention being a girl.

As I entered the halls of the school, it went completely silent. You could just about hear a pin drop to show how extremely quiet it is.

With a grimace, I walked over to my locker to get the books I need for my first class, gym. My favorite class. The weird thing is that, we actually take notes in that class. The gym teacher would ask for our notes by the end of the class.

I remember my second day to school, I went to the class without my books. I saw others jotting things down as he blabbered on about safety first.

At first I was confused. Do you actually need to take note in this class? One look at the teacher and you would conclude he's a nice guy and to top it all off, he was cute. He looked around his early twenties.

I felt like the odd one out just staring at the teacher, watching slowly how his lips moved as he talked. Creepy? I think not. It's just to pass time.

The moment was cut short when he shouted my name, glaring pointedly at me. The next thing I knew, I was doing about fifty press ups. I became all the more confused. And then I did the worst, I dared to ask him. I could remember how his face looked like; eyes narrowed and jaw clenched.

I then realized my mistake but by that time it was too late. He ordered me to sprint around the school five times before I could continue his class. To this day, I could still feel my throbbing legs as I walked about. I never took the teacher or gym class for granted again.

As I reached my locker, I saw Heather and her minions impatiently waiting for someone. That someone being me.

Immediately she spotted me, she straightened her posture, looking at me through her darkish blue eyes from head to toe. I rolled my eyes at her actions.

She scowled at me, "Look who's here. The soccer freak."

I just stared blankly at her. When she didn't get a reaction from either me or her minions, she whipped around to face them.

"This is the part where you're supposed to laugh!" She hissed at them.

I snorted. They immediately made some sort of high pitched, squeaky sound that was meant to be a laugh.

I raised an eyebrow, "And this is where you take your fake self and lost bimbos out of my way."

She gasped dramatically, looking around the hall as if I had made some sort of terrible mistake and someone should make a move to do something. People hadn't even noticed what was going on yet.

With a huff, she turned to me, "Mandy," She said in the most fake sweet voice, "Do you realize what you called me?"

I just blinked at her. I wasn't surprised that she had a deficiency of not hearing clearly.

"I don't have time for this, Heather. Just go on prancing around in your too tight cheerleader outfit. I'm sure you'll get more attention then."

Her eyes widened at my words. She looked back and forth between me and the hall before stomping off, her minions following suit.

I sighed and opened my locker to grab my books. She'll be back, she always is. The bell rang just in time I took my books. People scurried off to their classes while I blended in with the crowd, also making my way to gym class.

As usual I was the first in the class. Spotting my gym teacher in his office, I made my way over to him. I stopped short when I heard yelling from there.

Does he have company? No, he's probably talking to himself, I retorted to my question. Of course he had company!

It was already five minutes into the class and people hadn't yet come. Edging closer to his door, I pressed my ear on it, trying to grasp what they were saying.

This was probably wrong. I shouldn't be eavesdropping like this, not to mention on a teacher. But curiosity got the better of me and I pressed my ear even further on the door.

I could hear someone screaming their heads off, most definitely a woman and my gym teacher trying his best to hold himself together from the long, raspy breath that he's taking.

I tried to make out the words of the lady, "I love you, Dylan! You can't just throw me away like a piece of worn out clothes." Her voice were weak as she spoke.

I heard a sigh, "Look, I thought I loved you too but things has changed now. I can't keep living with the guilt of loving someone else and using you."

"What are you trying to say? Are you trying to break up with me?! I'm supposed to be the only person on your mind! Me and no one else. You can't just cut things off after what we shared last night. Tell me it meant something to you. Tell me you love me dammit Dylan!" The voice yelled, whimpering at the end.

I was in shock from what I'm hearing. My gym teacher, the cute, hot guy I keep gawking at, is a player. And he just played a lady, toyed with her heart like it meant nothing. He was different from what I've known him.

"I'm sorry Milan. I don't love you anymore and what happened last night was a mistake. This whole relationship is a mistake."

There was a sniff and then a loud noise echoed from the walls of the office. It didn't take long for me to figure out she had slapped him.

"You asshole! Who is it? Who's the bitch?!"

"I can't tell Milan. You should go, I need to think."

"So, this is it then. After almost two years into our relationship, you want to end it just like that. The least you could do is actually tell me the name of the girl that stole my fiancee away."

He sighed, "I can't. It's a forbidden feeling anyways."

"Tell me Dylan. I need to know my competition." The woman pressed on.

"It's one of my students okay! Mandy Baines, she's the one that has my heart."

And if I was shocked before, then I'm probably having a heart attack now.


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