Chapter 2: Tryouts

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"It's one of my students okay! Mandy Baines, she's the one that has my heart."

And if I was shocked before, then I'm having a heart attack now.


My heart stopped. My whole body froze. I definitely was not hearing right. What was he saying? That can't be true, it didn't even make sense.

My breathing had turned into urgent gasping. I needed to calm down, I couldn't afford being caught.

"You're in love with one of your students? Do you know how sick that sounds?!" The woman yelled.

He sighed frustratingly, "This is why I didn't want to say anything! You think I don't know how that sounds. You think I fell in love on purpose. I tried everything, Milan. Everything to get her out of my head, even giving her the impression that I didn't like her. But guess what? It made it worse! Her personality was stubborn but at the same time drew me more to her. Even without knowing it, her nature was enticing me. I didn't want to fall, Milan." He admitted, sounding defeated.

It was as if he knew I was here but I knew he didn't. He had admitted something that has changed the way I see him. Sure I had a crush on him, but it wasn't a big crush.

The woman laughed humorlessly, "I can't believe this. I gave up my dream of modeling to be with you. Even went against my parents will and left the house, for you. And this is what I get in return? This is my reward?"

"I was certain you were the one for me, but it wasn't meant to be. I'm really sorry for putting you through this. If I had a choice, I would do all I can to stop myself from falling. I care about you, more than you can imagine but it's now more like a brotherly love."

There was silence. Nothing moved, nothing made a sound, just dreading silence. Something was off, they can't just stop talking like that. I peered through the window and my eyes widened.

They were making out. The woman was gripping onto his shirt tightly and bringing him more closer to her. Dylan looked as though he wanted to pull back but at the same time enjoying it. They were pressed up against the wall and the woman had begun unbuttoning his shirt.

I turned my eyes away from them not wanting to look anymore. I wasn't jealous that I was sure of. But one moment he was confessing his love for someone and the next moment, he's pressed up against another woman.

Brotherly love my ass!

I heard an off tune moan from the woman. I felt sick, my stomach churned and I felt like throwing up. But I couldn't, and I sure as hell didn't know why I did the next thing. I knocked on the door, waiting for a response.

"Coming," A breathless Dylan spoke.

He opened the door and his eyes immediately went wide. I took in his appearance and felt my shoulders sag. His white shirt was crumbled and some of the top button was left undone. Lipstick was smudged on his lips and he looked shocked.

"Mandy," He said in disbelief and came out, closing the door behind him, "What are you doing here?"

I cleared my throat awkwardly, "Um, I was wondering why there wasn't any class today."

"Didn't you hear? We're trying out people who wants to go into soccer in the field."

"Oh." Was all I could say before peering at the door behind me.

"Is everything okay in there? I heard some noise. Was I interrupting something?"

He coughed, "Oh no. Everything's great, you should tryout for the team."

I nodded, "I will," We stood awkwardly, looking everywhere but each other.

I decided to break the silence, "There's something smudged on your lips." Before realizing what I was doing, my hands reached out and wiped the stain. Dylan breath hitched and he closed his eyes before groaning.

I immediately brought my hands back to my sides and cleared my throat, "I should be going now."

Dylan's eyes snapped open and it got two shades darker from its normal green. He nodded and put on a small smile.

I turned away from him and left the gym. The hallway was empty as I slid down the door and buried my head in my hands. I sighed deeply, thinking of everything I heard.

This is bad, I needed to get more distance from him. Deciding on my thoughts, I got up and made my way to the field, where the tryouts were being held. As I stepped out of the building, I saw everyone seated on the bleachers and the people who wanted to try out, were on the field, warming up.

Instead of taking a seat on the bleachers, I went straight to the team I wanted to be on and started my own warm ups. All eyes were on me but I turned a blind eye to them.

"What are you doing here?" Someone hissed beside me. I looked at the person and immediately started choking on air.

Shit, he was hot! His dark brown hair almost looking black was glistening from the sun and probably wet from showering. His bright blue eyes roamed around my face, frowning at me. His cheek bones hard and sharp around the edges. His tall 6 foot was towering over my five foot six and his broad muscles were bulging out as he flexed them.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized I hadn't answered his question.

"I believe there's a tryout going on."

"Yes I know that. That's why there's a girls team for that over there." He pointed to a group of girls who were checking out the boys and giggling to themselves.

"I can see that. I want to be here, not there." I shuddered dramatically, like it was the worst thing ever.

He glared at me, "Then you can't be here. This is a guys team and you don't see any girl around here."

I shrugged, "I'm not other girls. Also there isn't a rule that says a girl can't join a guy's team or vice versa."

He sighed, "You'll be crushed out here. Boys can be very rough when it comes to soccer and they won't give a damn whether you're a girl or not."

I smiled, "Thanks for worrying but I can handle myself."

His cheeks tinged the slightest pink as he looked forward, scoffing, "I wasn't worrying, just warning you. The name's Reece."

I smiled brightly, "Mandy. Nice to meet you, Reece."

He scoffed yet again and turned further away from me, probably to hide how his cheeks had more color. Wow, he acts like a tough guy but blushes easily.


The whistle blew and we got into positions, only then did other guys notice me. They all glared at me and opened their mouths to talk but Reece intervened.

"She's cool guys." He assured them. They looked unsure but dropped it. I was about to thank him but he had already gone to his position.

A guy from the other team smirked and winked at me mouthing, 'Meet me after tryouts'. I scowled at him and ignored the way my breakfast seemed to be coming back up.

"Lookie here, they have a girl on their team. Lets call the wambulance in case they want to cry after we beat them." A guy shouted to his teammates.

They laughed hysterically like the guy had just cracked the funniest joke and made a mocking face of a baby crying.

"We'll see who needs it later." I muttered to myself just as the whistle blew to announce the start of the match, and Dylan walking to the bleachers and taking a seat.

I gulped nervously. Here goes.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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