Badass Soccer Girl

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Hey there my fellow butterterians! Well, I've come up with a new story that I hope you like. Yes, I have a lot of ideas in this small brain of mine and I intend to use it judiciously.

Out of up to twenty draft I have, I decided this was the one that would do justice. It's my recent work though so bear with me for any grammar errors. Your support for my other works is greatly appreciated guys!  I'm so happy. Thank you guys for sticking through my horrible writings :)

Well, I guess I should do a copyright speech and stuff. I'm too lazy to actually write a proper one so don't blame me. Just imagine other people's perfect one in place of mine.

This is a work of fiction. Any relation it has to anyone is merely a coincidence. There should not be any form of copying in any way from my work and shit like that. If in any case there is, I have full authority to sue you (probably not but just go with it)

Copyright Awesomeleegal©2017

Remember plagiarism is a crime so find your own ideas or something. I work really hard on this so it'll hurt me if you do. I'm sure you don't want that or maybe you do but just don't do it.

Anyways, this might not be my best work there is, or my best work is yet to come. So no hate please. If you sincerely love this book, feel free to drop a comment or a thousand comments on it, I don't mind. Don't forget to vote also but I don't think the amount of votes and comments define how good the writer is. I'm just saying so actually vote and comment :) I think we'll all want that.

Let's make a deal; if you vote, you'll earn an imaginary bear hug from me and if you vote and comment, you'll earn a bear hug, cookie, donut and peanut butter. But if you don't do both, you still get a hug for actually taking your time to read this!

Sounds like a good deal?



Okay, the majority carries the vote. The yes wins! Aren't I a fair judge? *grins widely*

I'll be out of your skins now, I'm probably boring you guys. Come to think of it, I totally forgot why I made this intro. Oh yeah! Just for copyright, appreciations and stuff.

Well see ya guys later! :)


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