Chapter 9: Awake

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Geno's POV:
I slowly came to as I heard voices gathered around me and instantly feared the worst. But to my relief my eyes shot open to see a familiar face, but my expression turned somewhat of a sickly white mixture of dread and guilt as I remembered who I left behind.
Geno: "oh my god! Papyrus I..."
He raised a hand to shush me as he nodded.
Paps: "yah I know. How bad is he?"
Geno: "I tried to get him out. But the restraints where too strong... I'm sorry."
He frowned at my revelation. But still knew he wanted his question answered.
Geno: "I... sigh. They got him hooked up to some sort of machine and are feeding him loads of sugar to keep him running. I think they're using his as some sort of generator."
Paps: "god. Sans..."
He began to tear up as he covered his face with his hand. I supposed feeling just as guilty for not being able to protect him.
Paps: "I swear I left him alone for only a second to gather supplies. He was well hidden... so.... so they must have coaxed him out somehow."
Edge: "that's practically everyone's story at this point buddy. If they find ya they take ya without any mercy. There's nothing ya could've done."
Papyrus nodded as he sat himself at the corner. He looked paler and weak since the last time I saw him. I gave edge a glance and he gave me a knowing look, nodding as if to say that we would talk about this later. I sighed. And joined the majority of what was left around the small fireplace. A little air shaft above us being the only source of ventilation.
Edge: "so what happened to you?"
Geno: "I was asleep in the save screen when they ambushed me. Like you said, never had a chance. But something weird happened before that.... I don't know."
Edge: "like what?"
Geno: "your going to think it's stupid or crazy or something like that."
Edge: "try me."
Geno: "I saw error. Or... a vision of error. Surrounded by people that looked like us but... wasn't us."
Edge: "yah I know. It's dream and nightmares doing. Think they're trying to reach out to error hoping he'll save our sorry ass's."
Geno: "but... didn't ink say that error was..."
Edge: "man fuck what that traitor said! Point is he was wrong or he lied to us! Both of which are possible at this point..."
Geno: "do you really believe that?"
Edge: "that error's gonna come save our buts? Who knows. At this point anythings possible."
Geno: "no, I mean, do you really believe ink betrayed us?"
Edge: "I... I don't know. I was just mad. He did kill error and caused a lot of this shit to happen to us.... but... I just don't know..."

Inks POV: (dying dimension)
I heard footsteps coming closer to my cage. And trembled in fear as I heard the cage open. I would have backed away, but the chains bolting me to the ground kept me from moving my legs. It was really uncomfortable as I was forced to kneel for the entire time I was in there.
❓: "well? What do you think?"
Adrik: "hm. Yes, he'll do nicely as my newest specimen. You've done very good number 42. Or should I say, Hate?"
Hate: "thank you father. I hope this suffices as payment?"
Adrik: "yes. He'll do wonderfully. As well as a lot of the other subjects you've collected for me. Which I'll take the liberty of cherry picking myself. That swapped one looks promising however."
Hate: "would you like to inspect him? He's very little maintenance and pays quite well with the investment."
Adrik: "hm. I'll have to see for myself. What about the... determined one?"
Hate: "escaped unfortunately."
Adrik: "that's too bad. I was looking forward to having him."
Ink: "who are you? What's going on? What are you talking about?"
I tried to shout at them but at this point all that would come out was nervous stutters. Showing fear clear in my voice. I soon flinched as I felt a hand petting the top of my head. But it was different from the shadowy goo of Hate sans's hands. It was larger, with a noticeable dent in the middle of the palm.
Adrik: "don't worry little one. I'm your father now and we'll be home VERY soon."
The way he said that sent a chill down my spine. What did he mean by that? I could only hope that someone was coming to my rescue and soon. But by the fact that everyone hated me by now, I knew that I was on my own.

Errors POV:
I opened my eyes to find myself in papys arms as he carried me home. Swap tailing right behind us with his usual bright confident smile.
Swap: "oh! Papy he woke up!"
Papyrus only petted my head in response to swaps exclamation, telling me to get some rest as we walked through the door of the under-swap household. I expected him to drop me off on the couch so that I could sleep, but instead he began to carry me up the stairs. Swap still following close behind, as eager as ever. Soon we passed papys room, then the bathroom, then into swaps room, who eagerly held the door open for us. Inside, was two beds. One that looked like my old swaps Crain bed and another to the opposite wall that was a standard spaceship shaped bed which he laid me down on. I looked up at him confused.
Papy: "we where saving this little surprise for later, but I guess nows a good time as any."
Swap bounced in place next to his brother as his papyrus took out a piece of light orangy paper from his front pocket, and handed it to me. I looked down at it confused and began to read, even more so as I realized that it was just a list of everyone that lived in the under-swap AU.
Papy: "it's a character sheet kid. Anyone who lives here as a permanent character is on that paper. And we where wondering.... if you'd like to have your name on that list too."

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