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❝maybe it's the thrill of exploring somewhere new, a place no one will find you, peace and quiet

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maybe it's the thrill of exploring somewhere new, a place no one will find you, peace and quiet. maybe it's the excitement of finally getting away from the hatred, the thing that makes your blood boil like a thousand suns. maybe it's because of a broken heart. that's why you want to go somewhere far, far away.

~ Gwenn (-sipstea)


THE WORDS ECHOED IN the blonde's mind as she played with the handle of her small suitcase, her gaze not leaving the ground. For her, she knew with certainty, the words fit rather perfectly. Perhaps she wasn't going on a vacation, nor getting away from a broken heart, but she was on the run.

On the run from some very dangerous people who wanted to use her for the powers that she had.

The blonde woman was seated on the metal bench, her foot tapping on the ground quickly as she adjusted her sun glasses. She pushed them a bit forwards from the tip of her nose, closer to her eyes so that it would give her a bit of coverage. She then dusted her grey trench coat from invisible wrinkles as she scanned the surroundings, looking for any suspicious people around her.

To say that Carolina Church was paranoid, is a bit of an understatement. She was frightened, terrified that the people who were chasing after her would find her. And if they did, she was more than afraid to find out what exactly they would do to her. After all, she had seen quite a lot.

She was thinking of those horrendous days, the ones in which she was tortured and experimented on as a shiver passed down her spine, making the blonde shake her head, dismissing the thoughts.

She sighed as the speaker above her announced the arrival of her plane.

"Объявляется посадка на рейс 3867 в Cтарлинг Cити. Пассажиров просим пройти к стойке номер 6."

The blonde stood up, dragging her small suit case right behind her to the said stance, standing behind the long queue of people before her. She slowly stepped towards the stance where she stretched out her fake passport to the flight attendant who took it with a smile. The brunette attendant scanned the passport, and after the green light lit up, she grinned at the blonde.

"Приятного полета." She spoke kindly as Carolina smiled at her nervously, moving past the attendant towards the sleeve that connected the plane to the airport.

"Я на ето и надеюсь." the blonde mumbled under her breath, hoping that no one caught her words.

In seconds, she was greeted by the smiley flight attendants who helped her to find her seat, before she pushed the suitcase into the compartment above her head and sat down, sighing heavily. Luckily for her, she was seated by the window and she could stare out of the window for the entire flight.

Her head suddenly jerked up to the sound of someone sitting beside her, her eyes flashing red for a moment before they returned to their normal forest green as she noticed who sat beside her.

A young boy who looked around nine, and a woman who Carolina presumed to be his mother. She smiled kindly at the two before looking back outside the window, biting her lower lip and hoping that the flight to her new destination will go smoothly.

"Starling City, please be good to me."

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(a/n- translations:

Объявляется посадка на рейс 3867 в Cтарлинг Cити. Пассажиров просим пройти к стойке номер 6 - boarding to flight 3867 to Starling City is announced. The passengers are asked to come to stance 6.
Приятного полета - nice flight
Я на ето и надеюсь - i hope so.

we hope you enjoyed the prologue!)

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