French Braided Headband

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(There are soooo many ways to do this hairstyle, and all of them are just so cute!!! For the first one, I'll be showing you how to do a cute French braided headband, and eventually I'll post variations on this :D. Have fun!)

Time: 7-10minutes

Tools: Comb/brush, elastics


1. Brush all your hair until shiny and smooth, with no tangles or knots.

2. Part all your hair to one side and brush it down.

3. Taking a small section from the front section of your hair, start to braid it, continuously adding pieces into the braid. 

4. As you French braid it across your head, make sure that it isn't too loose, or else the braid will not stay.

5. Once you reach the end of your head/forehead, stop adding pieces and braid it normally all the way until the end of your hair.

6. Secure with an elastic.

If you wanted to go with a sleeker look, maybe finish it off with some hairspray, but this isn't necessary. I never use hairspray myself, so I braid a bit tighter to make sure that there won't be any stray pieces.

If you wished for a messier, cute style, pull apart the braid a bit and loosen it, maybe taking out a few wisps of hair for better effect.


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