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How they respond when someone insults Aphmau...

Aries- *Whispers* um ok. I'm just going to go now.
Taurus- Well then... *goes and cries and eats a burrito*
Gemini- Pfft well I never liked her anyway *goes home and binges MCD*
Cancer- *accidentally roasts them back* Oh no I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings?! I'm sorry don't hate meeeeeeeeee!
Leo- She's to good for you anyway *sassy hair flip*
Virgo- Well that's your opinion. And your opinion is wrong.
Libra- *Growls uncontrollably and then makes weird cat hissing noises*
Scorpio- *Turns into a shadow knight* HOW DARE YOU!
Sagittarius- Get out. The doors over there. Hope it hits you on the way out!
Capricorn- Fuck you bro.
Aquarius- What did she ever do to you?!
Pisces- *cries* I trusted youuuuuu how could you betray meeeeeeeeee!!!

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