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Some characters that dislike you...
*you might not be any of this. Sorry."
Aries-Travis finds you really confusing and unreadable. This bothers him because he likes to understand people and be close to them and you just won't let him in. He understands you may have your reasons but he just wants to be friends with you.
Taurus-Katelyn finds you annoying because you always steal the food in the house. She said and I quote " WTF?! DID TAURUS EAT ALL THE FOOD AGAIN?! UGHHHHHH!".
Gemini-Aphmau thinks your untrustworthy because you are very two faced and she feels uncomfortable telling you important things. She still loves you anyway but you might be left in the dark about import information.
Cancer-Dante thinks your cute but you will not let him in. You refuse to trust him and he hates that. He just wants to be accepted by you. At least as a friend.
Leo-ZANE thinks your an arrogant self absorbed ass. He said he's not sorry for saying that and then middle fingered and ran away screaming "IDGAF!!!!!".
Virgo-Gene thinks your lame because you are a party potato and never want to do shit. He just wants to party and be a rebel and he hates it when you get in the way of that.
Libra-Kawaii~Chan thinks your to stubborn. She loves you with all her heart but when she tries to ship you with your crush that you keep insisting isn't, she gets annoyed and wants you to stop being so stubborn.
Scorpio-Everyone hates some part of you. Your just a complete ass. Let's face it. If it makes you feel better Zane and Gene like you.
Sagittarius-Lucinda finds you off putting. She thinks your loner kinda style can make you confusing and suspicious and she doesn't like that.
Capricorn-Sasha thinks your to much of a mother figure. She likes the comfort but wants to be a free woman and sometimes you won't let her.
Aquarius-Aaron thinks you worry to much. It annoys him when you alway confide in other people to much to make your worries go away. He wants you to try to solve your own stressful problems. Yes he will be there to support you but not to solve it.
Pisces-Zenix thinks your way to innocent and nice. He loves the things you do for him but he is constantly tempted to take advantage of you. (Not like that you little nastys😑🖕🏻)
There you go my dudes! This is not meant to be offensive in any way. Also huge shout out to kittypower2112 !! It's her birthday! Go give her lots of love guys! Thanks💖

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