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What does Aphmau think of you...
Aries- She thinks your sweet and fluffy.
Taurus- She likes to binge Netflix and eat the whole fridge of food with you.
Gemini- She thinks your kinda confusing but wants to get to know you better.
Cancer- She thinks your kind and adorable and will look out for you because she knows sometimes you have trouble standing up for yourself.
Leo- She thinks your a sassafras and loves it.
Virgo- You bonded over you tutoring her in high school and she loves how you care and look out for her.
Libra- You two are like two peas in a pod. Your very similar and like cracking puns walking around town.
Scorpio- She thought you were hella mean at first until you both found common ground in your fandoms. Now you are like best friends and spend every weekend binging Stranger Things, My Little Pony, and Anime.
Sagittarius- She found you very closed off at first and liked that. She wanted to become friends and showed you she cared. That is something special.
Capricorn- Your like a mother to her. You take care of her and make sure she's safe and content and she loves you for that.
Aquarius- She cares about you and doesn't want you to worry. She gets scared when you doubt your friendship because Aph thinks it's something really special.
Pisces- She loves balling her eyes out watching the titanic or the notebook with you. That is your friendship😂

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