Chapter 5

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*Chris' POV*

We're having twins! I cannot believe this! this is huge! I can't wait till we figure out the sex! I feel like all of this is going so fast. I'm excited! But very nervous.

How will I handle going through labor? I can barely stand period cramps!

This is harder than I thought.

And to wake up in the middle of the night just to feed them both. bath them, change their diaper every once in a while.
But the hardest would be, watching them grow and go their separate ways in life.

"I wonder what we're having! I can't wait till your next ultrasound" Niall said.

"I think we shouldn't figure out if they're boys or girls. I think we should be surprised when I have them" I say.

"Why do you torture me?" he asks. I laugh.

"I think it's a great idea. but we should go to your mums house and then my mums?" I say more of a question.

"Yes, they should be surprised" he says.

He drove us to his mums house. he knocked.

"Oh, hi. come in" she says.

"Hi" I say.

"Hello" Niall says.

"How are you guys? how's the baby?" she asked.

"That's what we came here to talk about" he says.

"What do you mean? is it ok?" she asks.

"Yes" we both say.

She have us a confused look.

"We're having twins" me and Niall both say.

Maura covered her mouth.

"I am so happy!" she says. her eyes getting watery.

I hugged her.

"Now I wanna go buy stuff for them" she says.

"Thanks, but you don't have to" I say.

"But I have to. I have to buy things for all of my grandchildren" she says.

I stood quiet. smiling at her like an idiot.

"Do you guys wanna eat?" She asks.

"That would be lovely!" I say.

"Is Greg around?" Niall asks.

"Yeah he's outside in the backyard" she says.

"I'll be back" Niall says.

Is something bugging him?

*Niall's POV*

"Hey" I say.

"Oh, hey Niall" Greg says.

"What are you doing out here?" I ask.

"Well I told mum I would cut her grass for her" he says.

"Oh" I say.

"Yup. what about you?" he asks.

"Came to talk to you" I say.

"Talk to me about what?" he asks.

"Me and Chris" I say.

"Go on" he instructs.

"Well, we're having twins" I say.

"Congratulations! I'm very happy!" he says. hugging me.

"Thanks" I say hugging him back.

"But, I don't know what to do when they're born. and that's what I came to talk about. what if I'm not a great father to them?" I say.

"It's not that easy but you'll get the hang of it" he said.

"You'll love it and want to spend more time with them" he says. I laugh.

"I just can't wait to meet them" I say.

"Me either" he said.

"I'm still nervous though. like to see her in so much pain and seeing the babies come out. I hope I don't faint" I said.

"You'll get through it!" he says. laughing. I tag along.

"I hope so" I say.

"Niall, Greg! are you guys going to eat?" My mum said.

"Yeah well be there in a minute!" I say.

"We still have to plan our wedding" I say.

"Why don't you wait until they're born?" He asks.

"I don't know. but I think I'll do just that" I say.

He smiles.

"Thanks for being there" I whisper.

"Always" he replied.

We gave each other a hug.

"Let's go eat" he said.


After we finished eating, we went to Chris' mums home and told her our great news.

She eventually started to cry too.

Then we went to Louis' flat. we told the lads to meet us there.

"So what's going on?" Liam asks.

"Is the baby ok?" Louis asked. we nodded.

"IT'S A GIRL!!" Harry exclaimed. we all laughed in the room.

"No Harry we don't know yet!" I say.

"Then?" He asks.

"Let us finish!" Chris says. he chuckles.

"Well, me and Chris" I say.

"Are having twins" She finishes.

Right after she finished my sentence, it went chaos.

The lads were hugging us and telling us how happy they are.

"So when are we gonna find out the sex?" Zayn asks.

"Actually we don't want to know" she says.

"What do you mean?" Louis asks.

"We're not gonna know until she has the babies" I say.

"What? why?"


"No! that's not ok and not fair"

"Wait what?"

"Guys, guys! please, calm down!" She says.

"Jeez you guys are worse than children" I say.

(A/N): hey guys! sorry it's short. there's a lot of things going on in my life right now and I can't seem to get over them. I'm sorry.

Well, what do you think they'll have?

Massive thank you for all those reads and votes and comments! it really means a lot! massive thank you!!!

I'll be updating next Friday!!

Love you all!


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