Chapter 11

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*Chris' POV*

"You know, we should really tell Lucy to come over and make Mexican food for us," Niall says. I laugh.

"That'd be awesome! We should invite her over tomorrow night," I think that would be nice. To have Mexican food at least once.

"Yeah, we should invite the lads."

"And the girls," I add. He nodded. "I'll text them right now."

I grabbed my phone and sent a message to each of them inviting them over for tomorrow.

"Do you have classes tomorrow?" He asks.

"Yes, I do, why?"

"Because, we're off until we go on tour," I'm glad to hear that. Having Niall all the time would be so lovely.

"Great!" I exclaimed. I hugged him. "So you'll be able to watch the babies?"

"Yes, so that means you will tell Lucy she's off for a while."

"Oh, I have this project to do and the professor had partnered me up with a boy named josh, I asked him to come over tomorrow so we could work on it," I say. Now that I remember, we also invited the lads and girls over for dinner. Maybe Josh could stay for dinner too?

"What's the project about?"

"Well, we have to do a cover of a song but make it different, and to the professor, it has to be better than the original."

"Do you guys have a song picked, already?" He asked. Why do I get the feeling he's avoiding a conversation about Josh.

"No, not yet."

"So, this Josh," nevermind.

"Just some boy from my music class," really, tho.

"Well, I'm going to be in the same room as you guys."

"Niall, nothing is going to happen," I murmured. Meaning it.

"You never know," he widened his eyes at me. I laughed.

"For gods sake, I have two babies with you, and I'm going to marry you. Why would I let that happen?"

"You're right," he wrapped his arms around my waist. Gently placing a kiss on my lips.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

James began to cry. We separated quickly, laughing at each other.

"I'll go get him," I stated, walking towards our bedroom. I don't like the idea of them having a separate room by themselves. You know, just in case of an emergency, you don't have to run to their room to make sure they're ok. You could just turn your head to their bed and know that they're there and ok.

I took James out if his crib, rocking him gently. While, "shh"ing until he stopped crying. He gripped my thumb with his full hand. I smiled.

"Hey," Niall whispered and walked in.


"The rice is amazing," he shrugged , smiling as he say and the end of the bed. He placed his hand on my thigh. "You should probably go to bed."

"But I haven't eating some of the rice," I am tired, but I do want some rice. He laughed.

"Go eat some, I'll watch them."

"You're sure?" I don't want to make him feel like he has to.

"I still have to get the hang of being a father, and you're an amazing mother, so yes, I am sure," he took James from my arms and sat on the rocking chair. I placed a kiss on his lips before exiting the room.

Half A Heart (sequel to Louis' Sister)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora