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"I love you but you love the
Idea of me"

Taehyungs p.o.v
I run in fear I run from all of my parents they hate me they said my real parents didn't love me and the don't either do they. My real parents they say I am a mistake not meant to be here. A alien that love is it not ment for some one like me. I run into the city away from them there not my parents there ritch.They own Kim Inc they are in a huge partnership with Jeon Inc every one names there company after themself. Mine would be something selfless that helps not destroys. I see the jeon company I look in the street and I run into the street and start running even faster ignoring the fact that I'm hurt blood drips from my forehead ankle and hip. Running deep into thoughts I bump into a hard surface it's very warm  I wanna wrap my arms around it and snugle into the warmth. Instead I call and my body comes in contact with the hard concrete as well as mr.jeons I was gonna apologize
until I hear "what the hell!"
I step back and see a very pissed off jeon jungkook.I bow a sorry and attempt to run away but I stop when there's a tight grip on my  wrist then I feel myself getting yanked back as I heard "DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU DID TO MY SUIT YOU IDOT WHY ARE YOU BEEDING SO MUCH ANY WAYS"I felt tears cloud my eyes as I said also can we that the one up stairs for making me stutter "i-i am s-sorry I g-got b-beat by m-my p-parents" I said."Come in,follow me" mr.jeon ordered in a annoyed tone i follow him with tears unshed the building Is huge I've never been hear before but I know I most definitely could get lost. (lost my way just me ok)
We get into the huge elevator and ride to the 45th floor rumor has it that he has an office on all off his floors there like 50 floors it's no need for all of  those offices as if he read my mind he said "I only have 20 offices my dad jungshi had 50 I reduced my offices and got more workers that's why we have been so high on sales lately. "Oh yah I've been following the stock market you went up by 50% good job man" I reply with my boxy grin "thanks man"mr.jeon flash his bunny grin boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Boxy and bunny
Stop it tae, Mr.jeon snaps me out of my thoughts "excuse me but what's your name" Mr.jeon asked "sorry how rude of me my name is Kim taehyung."
udhfhfibnnjfjffjfndhudjdb there comeback is innn diss monthhhhhdbfbfbjdjjfjfnfnnfjfnyassssbish hdhdhndndjchcb  dead leafs was on

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