Patience (smut) (Tom Holland)

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You put your phone between your shoulder and your ear while putting on your shoes

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You put your phone between your shoulder and your ear while putting on your shoes.
You heared him groan on the other end of the line and smiled to yourself.
"Come on Tom. I'm gonna be there in two days.", you said and put your foot back down and took the phone into your hand.
"Yeah two days too long.", he said and his voice was muffled.
"I know. I miss you too.", you said while fixing your hair in the mirror.

"I'm home for two months and you're not here. That's not fair.", he whined and you chuckled.
"You mean like how you are always away for promo and I'm home? Yeah buddy, been there, done that.", you teased him and put him on speaker. You looked at your outfit and tried to fix your blouse but you were not statisfied.
It was quiet for a couple minutes and you only heared weird shuffling noises until he spoke up again.

"I miss you.",he said but his voice was suddenly deeper and kind of breathy while you took off your blouse to put something else on.
You looked at your phone in disbelief and took it into your hands.
"Babe what are you doing?", you asked now but it took him a few seconds to answer again.
"I really need you right now.",he said and this time you could hear his belt being taken off.
"Thomas Stanly Holland! You promised me to wait until I come back.",you scolded him and felt turned on immediatly. You could picture him how he was lying in bed rubbing his own cock over his jeans while listening to your voice. His eyes closed, head leaned into his neck exposing his throat. Thinking of you.

Your cheeks were burning and you felt a known wetness between your legs and got pissed.
"Tom I don't have time for this right now! I need to go.", you whined and pressed your legs together.
"Baby I just need to release the tension. I'm gonna explode otherwise.", he says slightly moaning while doing it and you huff.
"I don't like you getting off on your own.",you complain. You like to be all over his mind when he comes. No place for other thoughts. Only you. You went to the drawer and pulled out a bright red lipstick. You put it on quickly and took off your bra. You shook your hair out and pulled it together on to one shoulder. You took a picture of yourself, the need of release rising in your own body, and sent it to him.

"I want you to look at the photo I sent you.",you demanded and put your bra back on.
"Oh god!",he moaned and you could hear how he pulled down his jeans.
"You're gonna look at me while coming. Alright babe?", you said into the phone while wiping away the lipstick and putting on the blouse. You didn't have the nerve to pick something else. Thanks to Tom who left you all hot and bothered.
"I love you.", you said and took your bag and your keys.
"Don't hang up!", he said desperatly and you chuckled triumphantly.
"I have to go now. And when I come back home we need to practice patience with you."

"I love you too.",he only managed to say and sounded chocked up. He wouldn't last long. Knowing this you hung up and went out the door to go to your meeting.

The thing you didn't tell Tom was that you'd be home earlier. You wanted to surprise him so you went into your apartment as silent as possible. You did not hear anything and wondered for a second if he was home at all. But walking towards your bedroom you heared his voice. His moaning.
You let everything fall out of your hands and stormed into the bedroom just to find him on your bed, fully naked while your picture from yesterday was on the big screen on the wall. He stopped in his movement and your mouth dropped.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker/Spidey Oneshots English (Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now