Boyfriend sounds lame (Tom Holland)

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You were alone in your bathroom, staring at the two pink lines

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You were alone in your bathroom, staring at the two pink lines. Who thought that two so unimportant seeming pink lines could change your whole life. Your hands were trembling, your mind still trying to comprehend what this meant, your body refusing to accept it all.
A knock pulled you out of your trance and your head shot up, a tear rolling down your cheek.
"Baby are you alright in there? You've been in there for some time." Tom shouted on the other side of the door and your eyes widened. You brushed over your cheeks, trying not to panick and got off the bathtub.
"Yeah I'm fine." you called back before he could get suspisious. You shoved the test into your pocket, not risking him seeing it by throwing it into the bin.

"Hey." you said as soon as you opened the door because he was standing right infront of you.
"Are you okay?" he asked with a concerned look on his face and you cracked a half smile.
"Yeah...just felt a little nauseous." you shrugged your shoulders and he furrowed his brows.
"I'm fine. Stop it." you chuckled nervously and he laid his palm against the crook of your neck and placed a gentle kiss on your temple.
"I need to rush out. But if you should feel bad again, you call me alright?"

You nodded obediently and walked him over to the front door where he put his shoes on.
You couldn't tell him right now. Maybe it was false. You should know for sure before telling him. But doesn't he deserve to know right away?

"Tom!" you called him as he opened the door and he stops to turn around.
He raised a questioning brow and looked into your eyes and you froze. You opened your mouth to say something but closed it again, shaking your head lightly.
"Don't overwork yourself." you said finally and his lips formed into a smile.
"Same goes for you, darling." he said and leaned in to give you a last kiss before he shut the door behind him.

You decide to call in sick and go to the closest pharmacy to buy five different tests.
You stuff them into your bag immediatly and don't take off your glasses or cap. You rush home again and procrastinate as long as possible. You are again locked in the bathroom when you here the front door open. You jump up and throw all of them into a bag and stuff it under the counter. Tom would never look there. You unlock the bathroom door and walk into the kitchen with a fluttering heart, trying to gather the courage together to tell him. Six positive tests couldn't be a coincidence, could it?

You opend your mouth again to say something and he turned around at the same time which made you freeze. Again.
He looked tired and stressed which was always not a good time for serious discussions.
"Hey..." you said and walked over, to pull him into a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on top of your head.
"I have to fly away in the morning. For three months." he said into the silence and your whole body stiffened.
"I know. I'm sorry. I would take you with me if I could. The last thing I want is to leave you behind right now." he apologized but your mind was else where. Getting a child, raising a child was impossible in your relationship. He was always gone for several months. The poor child would barely know his dad. A shiver ran down your spine and you pulled away from him which he interpreted differently.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker/Spidey Oneshots English (Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now