We larb each other (Peter Parker)

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I was about to knock on the door when it flew open and I was face to face with a very dressed up May

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I was about to knock on the door when it flew open and I was face to face with a very dressed up May.
"Oh hey, sweetheart!", she greeted me and waved me inside by stepping aside and I walked in with a shy smile.
"Looking great May. Where are you off to?", I asked her while adjusting my books and folders under my arm.
"Thank you! I have kind of a date...Is it too much? I need an opinion but Peter is mad at me and won't talk.",she said and I could see the glimps of sadness in her eyes which made me sympathize with her.

"You look stunning. Don't think about Peter. He is an ass sometimes.",I said without thinking about it and she chuckled.
"Excuse my language.",I added while blushing and she brushed it off.
"I gotta go. Dinner's in the fridge, learn well, don't do anything stupid. Keep it PG.", she said while shouldering herself into her coat and my mouth dropped.
"Wha-...",I started but was cut off by Peter.
"You too." Oh he didn't.

I looked over my shoulder to see him leaning against the door frame while his arms were crossed infront of his chest and his brows were furrowed.
"Peter!",I exclaimed but he chose to ignore me and stared at his aunt.
"Thanks Peter.",she sighed and closed the door behind her which made me turn around and glare at him.
"I'm not going to talk about this. Let's get to our project."

"You're such a shit head, Peter.",I said while following him into his room. Even though I would have loved to beat some sense into him, I let it go because it was a family matter.


I was lying across his bed on my belly with my laptop infront of me, scrolling through websites to find information about our project. Peter was on the floor, leaning against the bed skipping through some folders. Usually our learning and studying sessions were fun. We ended up laughing or talking about other stuff, while enjoying May's home cooked food. But today it was really silent and I assumed it was because of Peters mood. I tried a few times to make him talk but he always answered in short sentences. Or just 'uh-huh' or 'sure', which was extremly tiring so I let it go.

"Did you know that if you throw a handfull of salt into a glas of water, the water level will actually go down rather than overflowing the glass.", I read while scrolling through a website that was listing down interesting facts about chemistry.
"No I didn't.",he said without looking up and I put my laptop away to crawl over to him.
"Not that big of a genius after all, are you Peter?", I teased him and my face was right next to his while I was holding on to his shoulders to not fall off the bed.
"I believe you're not looking for answers for the project, are you Y/N? If you're giving me those interesting facts.",he shot back and I rolled my eyes.
"I was! But one led to the other and I landed...there. It's quite interesting, you should check it out.",I said in a chatting voice but he did not react to it so I looked over his shoulder and saw that he hadn't done anything himself. He was just flicking through folders and notes without recognizing that they were not the right ones.
I slipped off the bed and sat down on the floor in front of him and took a few sheets lying all over the floor into my hands to look at them.
"Ah, Ap English. I didn't know we were working on a literature project. I thought it was science?",I said while holding the papers up and his head shot up, his eyes widened. He groaned and burried his face in his hands and brushed through his hair tugging at them.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker/Spidey Oneshots English (Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now