Chapter one

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Liv's POV
It's been over a year since I had to deactivate my social media and get away from the public. All thanks to Annie Leblanc, she could of forgave me but instead she made me hated and pointed the finger my way. What did I do to deserve this? I was only trying to get attention from Annie because she decided to distance herself from me for good. She is the reason why our friendship has been ruined now. Now she's getting all the fame and getting to meet all of these famous musers and getting into music videos. She's even getting into movies and series like 'Chicken Girls'!!! I know I would've been a better actor than her definitely!!! Anyway, I know my true fans want me to come back. They always are going to be here for me and I'm grateful for that!!! But I'm not going to lie here, I am nervous that if I come back I will get hate all over again. Even though I got my game from Bratayley, I can always work on my own fan base and have my own fans. That's exactly what I want to do!!! I'm going to ask my parents if I can come back to social media!!!

I went downstairs where my mum was cooking in the kitchen.

"Mum?" I asked
"Yes?" My mum said and turned around
"I want to come back to social media" I said

My mum put down the plates and looked at me, I know she was mad at what I just said.

"Why and what has made you change your mind?" She asked
"Nothing" I said, "I just think it's time for me to come back"
"But we all agreed to get away from the public and become a normal family now!!!" She said
"But why don't we create our own fanbase!!!"
I said
"Maybe I should speak to your dad about this!!!" She said
I went back upstairs and sat in my bed upset, I knew my dad would say no because he is so mad at what Billy said to me, but I can't deny my hatred for Billy. What he did to me is unforgivable never mind what I did to him!!! He didn't have the right to harass me on social media when I'm younger than him!!! He says that my parents need to control me when he needs to control himself!!!

Annie's POV
We headed to LA today to go and see Hayden again, I'm so excited to see him because it's been two whole weeks!!! But I'm sure he misses me too though. Now that Hayley doesn't go to public school anymore we can go and see Hayden as much as we want to now. When we landed I decided to vlog me and Hayden seeing each other again!!!
"Hey guys we have landed in LA and I am seeing Hayden after two whole weeks again!!! I'm so excited because we're staying in LA for a week and I can spend every day with Hayden!!! But we're not dating yet because my dad doesn't approve of it although Paige does!!! Here he is now!!! Mum hold the camera!!!"
I ran up to Hayden and hugged him!!!

"It's nice to see you again Annie" he said as he hugged me back
"It's nice to see you again too Hayden" I said
After we had hugged, we all went back to his house to have a catch up and talk. My mum vlogged it all and the title of today's vlog was 'Hannie reunite!!!'.
After we had caught up, Hayden wanted to speak to me outside.
"So we've been friend for a while now" he said
"And I love it!!!" I said
He looked down at the floor and had a worried look on his face which made me automatically know what he was going to ask me and I was ready for it and he was my crush after all!!!
"Hayden I would love to be your girlfriend now!!!" I said
He looked up with a confused look on his face and scratched his neck.
"Was that what you wanted to ask me Hayden?" I said, I was worried incase he wasn't actually going to tell me that.
"That's not what I was going to ask you Annie..." he said and awkwardly shrugged his shoulders.

Authors note!!!
The next chapter will be out today, what do you think Hayden was actually going to tell her??? Find out soon!!!

I want him back (Liv and Annie fanfic story) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora