Chapter three

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Livs POV
Today we were going on holiday to Maryland for two weeks, I don't want to see Annie there. But I don't even know if she's there because I don't want to watch her vlogging and having a great time after ruining my fame!!! She's probably in her house with her friends. 'Friends' I thought to myself, 'the only friend that was there for her was me and it would of still been me if she hadn't decided to distance herself from me ages ago'
I kicked a gnome when I was going to the car to get my frustrations out. How could she even do that?!?!

When we were almost at the airport, my parents decided to talk about Annie and her family. Great, just great. That's exactly what I need right now.
"Annie might be in Maryland Liv" my mum said
"Why should I care???" I said and looked out of the window
"Maybe you can meet up and-" my mum said
"Meet up and think everything will be okay because I apologised?" I said in a snappy voice

My mum sighed and continued driving, she was obviously mad.

"When we get there I'm going to make sure I talk to that Billy, billy" my dad said
"Billy Billy" Wyatt laughed
I continued to look out the window and think of Annie's success and how far she's probably become. If I never of did that, then maybe I could of stayed on social media. If I did, I would have more fans. But I want to create my own fanbase.

Annie's POV
"Day two of LA guys!!!" My mum said as she woke us up, she was vlogging me waking up. I was tired and she was vlogging. Just what I needed.
"I don't want to go out today" I said and pulled the cover over my head so she couldn't see my tears.
"Why?" My mum said as she put the camera on the table which was beside Hayley's bed
"Because we're always in LA" I said
"But you have so great friends here" she said, "Jayden is an excellent friend"
"No, that's not why" I said
"Why then?" She said
"I don't want to talk about it" I said, "but I want to go to Jayden's house instead of Hayden's today though" I said
"But Jayden's at dance isn't she?" She said
"She said if I ever want to come round I can and she said she would cancel anyway" I said as I got out of the covers and stood up.
"Has something gone on with you and Hayden?" My mum asked
"Just ring Jayden" I sighed
She got up and rang Jayden's mum to see if I could go round.
"But this is our holiday, we should spend time together" I heard Hayley say
I turned around and she was finally awake and sitting up.
"It is" I said
"Then why are you going to Jayden's then?" She asked
"Because somebody has ruined the holiday already" I said
"Who? Paige?" She said, "I know she can be annoying but-"
"Not Paige somebody else!!!" I said
Hayley put her hands over her mouth as if she was embarrassed about what she had just said.
"She can be annoying though" Hayley said, "But who is it that actually ruined the holiday?"
"Hayden" I said
"Hayden?" Hayley said, "why?"
"Because he mentioned Liv" I said
"Do you know why?" Hayley said
"No I just stormed back inside" I said
"He might be talking to Liv!!!" Hayley said
"He may be stupid but I don't think he's doing that" I said as I packed some clothes and went to the car.

As we were driving, I was really considering what Hayley said. Was he talking to Liv secretly??? No, he couldn't. Could he?? So many thought were going through my brain. So many 'theories'. When I arrive at Jayden's house I'm going to see if Hayden's texted me. I don't know if he has because I've turned my phone off in case my parents see my convocations about him. But what was he going to say about Liv? Maybe I should've listened. Maybe I over reacted. I just don't know he has some explaining to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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