St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

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Time skip 8 months

"Quick! We have to get to the hospital!!" I heard Draco yell to Harry and Ginny. "Coming!" Harry yelled, carrying Ginny bridesmaid style.

Draco laid me and Ginny into the car as we sobbed "Hurry! A woman can only hold a kid for so long!!"

"Sorry" Harry mumbled, getting into the front seat and not even waiting to close the door. He pressed the invisibility button and our surroundings disappeared.

Harry lifted off into the air and drove maniacally in mid-air.

We landed in the car park of St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries and Draco carried me to the main lobby and placing me in a wheelchair.

Harry did the same with Ginny.

They rolled us to the reception and told the receptionist that we had two pregnant women.

A couple of minutes later, we were all separated into our rooms. Draco sat himself down in a chair next to my bed as I sweat a lot.

"Ok, Mrs. Malfoy, on three, I want you to push, ok?" Said the nurse, who summoned a bottle of water and placed it next to my bed on the table.




I pushed with all my might and eventually fell back and started panting. Draco held my hand and squeezed it tight.

I breathed for the next 2 minutes and pushed for a while. "One's crowning Hermione." Said the nurse as she gave me some water.

I pushed a little more and eventually, one of my babies came out. The nurse placed it in a cradle as she gave me more water.

"One more, honey, one more," Draco said, holding my hand even harder.

In 10 minutes, my younger twin was born into this world. I looked at it and it was staring into the nurses face crying.

"What are you going to name them, Hermione?" Draco asked, letting my hand go. "Fuck you, your naming one too. You can name the girl." I replied, grabbing my baby boy and holding him in my arms.

"Ok, um, can I have my daughter?" Draco asked the nurse. The nurse nodded and handed Draco the young lady.

"I name him, Scorpius Hyperion," I said, smiling at the bright grey eyes and pale skin. "Draco, he looks like you!" I exclaimed, smiling even more.

"This young ladies name is Narcissa Minerva. After my amazing, loving mother. Do you agree, Hermione?" He said. "Yes," I replied smiling.


I left the room crying with Narcissa in my hands. I smiled at her happy face and hugged her closer. "Oh, Draco! I'm so happy!" I yelled, rolling in the wheelchair to Harry and Ginny.

"Hey, Gin! Hows your baby?" I asked her, looking at the young child. 'Well, he's a boy and we named him Albus Severus." She said, hugging the red haired, green-eyed baby.

"Hermione! Your little girl is just like you! What is her name?" Harry said, stroking Narcissa's brown hair. "Narcissa Minerva" I replied, kissing her forehead.

"Beautiful name." Ginny and Harry said at the same time. "Draco, what's your son's name?" Harry told Draco, looking at the grey-eyed, blonde-haired baby. "Scorpius Hyperion" He replied, holding the Draco lookalike.

We left the hospital and Harry dropped us all off at home.

I walked through our front door and placed our now sleeping children in their bedroom.

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