Chapter 8

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"Hey there hot stuff" did I really just say that "...what..." I really did say that "sorry it's just the fire thing and all that... anyway the job sign in the window, can I apply for it... please?" You sweat nervously, that could have gone better, "alright...follow me" Grillby got out from behind the bar and gestured me to follow him.

You are now in the kitchen, being interviewed by Grillby "ok..tell me about yourself " he said calmly "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" you said internally "um...I'm a hard worker..good with people..." what now? Lie? Lie. "I can cook" no I can't "oh really... what do you specialize in?" IN TO DEEP IN TO DEEP "baking" no stop it me, what are you doing, Grillby nods "ok... you start tomorrow" "I understand if I'm..... wait what?" You looked at him puzzled " your hired" it took you a few minutes to process this, in that time Grillby pulled out a uniform from a cabinet and placed it on your head.

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