ch 6 sasuke x male reader x Naruto

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Sasuke's pov
I was walking to (Y/n) early to walk to school with him. When I spotted the dobe racing in the same direction. He got their before I did and was standing outside the door with a troubled look on his face. "I DON'T CARE MOM, NARUTO IS MY FRIEND HE IS NOT A DEMON!" I heard (Y/n) yell clearly upset. A muffled reply shot back at him, but I couldn't make out what was being said.

"He is my best friend mom, he has been helping me stutter less and talk with confidence. He's given me advice on how to talk to my crush! He's done so much for me and yet you still think he is a demon. I'm done I'll make my own decision on if he is a monster or not." He answered sounding so strong.

I stood slightly behind Naruto as (y/n) stepped out of his house."Naru? Sasuke? What are you guys doing here?" He asked us confused. "I was walking near by and heard shouting." I shrug. "I wanted to walk together." The dobe responded loudly like always. Why does he have to be so loud and annoying. I thought just as dobe threw himself at (y/n) embracing him tighly. "Thank you for defending me, dattebayo." He murmured softly.

"Oi hands off I don't want (y/n) to catch your dobeness." I spat throwing him off. "Hey who do you think you are! He can hug me all he likes. He's my best friend after all." You argue back to me. "I think that I'm Sasuke Uchiha and you are mine. I don't like sharing what's mine." I quipped smartly pushing you into a wall and sealing our mouths together


I grunted as I hit the ground. That damn teme had thrown me off of (y/n)-chan. (A/N YES HE CALLS YOU CHAN EVEN THOUGH I MADE YOU A BOY DEAL WITH IT.) A low growl slips past my lips as I see Sasuke kissing (y/n)-chan. I stand back up and return the favor by throwing him off (y/n)-Chan. I grab (y/n)-chan's hand and run for the academy Sasuke following behind shortly after. Before we entered the class I pinned (y/n)-chan against the wall and slammed my lips onto his in a passionate kiss. Feeling satisfied at seeing his blushing face I pulled him into the class and sat down.  

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