ch 7 Gaara x reader

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Your pov
The day had started out as it always did you, Naruto, and Sasuke had just finished a mission. "*sigh* can't you guys work to get for once?" You asked exasperated. "It's all that teme's!" Naruto yelled as he pouted. "Hn dobe." Sasuke spat clearly annoyed with Naruto.

You simply shake your head at them. Kakashi left only moments ago in order to go see the Hokage, so you and he guys were walking back to the village. "I'm gonna go train later losers." Sasuke grumbled still annoyed. Before either Naruto or you could speak Sasuke ran off.

"Good riddance! Right (Y/N)?" Naruto practically cheered. "Naruto, you shouldn't get so worked up." You sighed once more feeling slightly tired. You felt like you two were being followed by someone so you turned around to face them. Once you turned you spotted a small square box that slowly moved forward and halted once you looked at it.

"Naruto a square box it following us...." Your voice trailed off because Naruto took off the second you said 'square box'. You follow slowly behind them not wanting to actually run. When you finally caught up you noticed that it was Konohamaru and he little gang that had been following you and Naruto this whole time. And it seemed like they had run into Sakura.... this isn't going to end well you thought to yourself.

"There's no ways she's a girl with that huge for head of hers!" Konohamaru screamed indignantly. "Oh shit..." you whispered softly seeing Sakura puss ed off face. With a mighty shout Sakura took off and chased the kids and Naruto. You ran to follow them.

"Let him go!" You heard Naruto yell angry and worried. You sped up and saw that some cat-like guy held Konohamaru up by his scarf in one hand while he other was posed to hit the child. "Hey if I were you I'd put that boy down now.... unless your wanting to start a war between our villages." You call out stepping up to the boy casually.

"What do you mean?" The girl at his side questioned.
"That kid is the third's grandson." You state in a manner-of-factly tone. The boy in front of you dropped the kid instantly and grabbed a hold of you instead. "Well I guess that leaves you to take his punishment." The guy stated sadisticly.

"Perv." You sweat dropped at his tone of voice. "Who you calling a perv brat!" He roared angered. "Kankuro let them go he won't be happy with us if he finds out." The girl sounded nervous.

With a rather loud sigh you swing you leg forward and nail 'Kankuro' in the balls. He reacts instantly falling to the ground and groaning in pain. "Next time you should kept you guard up." You advise as you step away. "You're an embarrassment to our village." A raspy male voice called from the trees. You head turn to the side look for the unexpected male.

"Sasuke what are you doing here?" You blinked spotting Sasuke standing above the boy. "Gaara I was only defending myself they-"" Shut up or I'll kill you." Gaara interrupted Kankuro. You frown at the cruel words. Both Gaara and Sasuke jump down and join their teammates.

"Oi you, red head, you shouldn't speak that way to your teammates it's bad manners." You chastised him. "You the (hair color) person what's your name?" Gaara questioned in a flat tone of voice. "(L/n) (Y/n) , and you are Gaara." You state bluntly. Gaara nodded his head and stepped forward. "Mother told me I shouldn't kill you I wonder why." He muttered quietly.

You blink at him feeling slightly lost. You offer a small smile before turning to your friends, "let's go." You state. Your team nods their heads and you start to leave. But before you could go very far sand comes flying out of no where, wraps around you, and tugs you away from your team. You pulled rather tightly into Gaara arms. "You belong to me now." He declared boldly as he holds you close.

You stare at him shocked at his words and actions, before trying to pull away. Your movement only annoys the boy and you receive a lowly growl in reply to you struggling.
You sigh and resign yourself to your fate. Gaara relaxed slightly as he felt you stop. He turns you around and places a rather gentle kiss on your lips before transporting you to his hotel room.

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