Chapter 10: The Warning

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^^In The "Training Room"^^

"Training Room" is an understatement. They decided to take all the furniture out of Jacks room and make it the training room since he and Elsa live in the same room. They practiced sparring daily with the guards. Jack was impressed with Elsas progress, she was teaching herself new moves that involved her powers that were sure to knock Hans' goons off their feet.

They were sparring one day when Elsa had an idea..

"Time-out." Elsa said whilst Jack prepared to throw snow at her. He instantly dropped his hands and walked over to her.

"Is something wrong?" Jack asked worriedly. Elsa smiled at his worriedness and shook her head.

"I've got an idea! We could use ice to make sheilds for us and a sword for me since you have your staff!" She exclaimed excitedly. Jack smiled as well. He picked her up by her waist and spun her around. While doing so, he said,

"You're a genious, Elsa!" When he set her down, he gave her a kiss on the cheek. Elsa smiled through her blush.

"Thanks." She said shyly. Jack kissed her again, this time on the lips. It was swift, but meaningful at the same time.

"What will they look like?" Jack asked, his arms still on Elsas waist. "The sword and shields." Elsa though about it for a second.

"What about this?" She waved her hand and a shield appeared on the ground. It was a flat line at the top with long sides that met at a half circle at the bottom. It was made completely out of ice with a big snowflake pattern on the front. Jacks face lit up when he saw it.

"I love it!" He exclaimed. Elsa smiled and made another one, slightly bigger since Jack was taller. They picked them upand felt the weight.

"Feels good." Jack said, gripping the handle tight and bringing it up just under his nose. Elsa giggled and did the same.

She closed her eyes and concentrated. Seconds later an ice sword appeared in her free hand. The blade was two feet long and double bladded. The handle was just the right size for her hand. At the bottom was circle with a snowflake pattern. Jack looked at in awe.

"Thats cool!" He smiled, so did Elsa.

"Pun intended?"

Jack shrugged. "If it makes me seem funnier then sure!" Elsa yawned, not realizing how tired she was. "I think that's enough for one day, Snow Queen." Jack smiled, pulling Elsa against his chest. She rested her head on his chest and sighed.

"I guess." She looked up at him. "Carry me?" Jack laughed.

"Our room is right across the hall!" She gave him her best puppy dog eyes, he sighed with a small smile.

"Okay, you win." Elsa smiled. Jack put an arm under her legs and picked her up bridal style. Elsa wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled up against his neck.

When they reached their room, Jack gently laid Elsa on the bed. He pulled off his sweatshirt and crawled under the covers next to his love. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, she snuggled up to his chest and closed her eyes.

Jack gently kissed her forehead and whispered, "Good-night, my love. Sweet dreams."

"Night." She whispered back and they both fell into a deep sleep.

^^Early In The Morning^^

The couple woke to an urgent pounding on the door. Elsa started to get up to answer it but Jack beat her to it. He opened the door revieling a worried looking guard.

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