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First of all, this is not an update. BUT THIS IS IMPORTANT SO PLAES READ IT!

I am so sorry for the extremely slow updates!!! It's just that school is taking its toll and I am literally doing things every day after school except Monday and on Monday nobody does much of anything.

Not to mention, I still have to practice my instruments and I'm trying to keep up with my Bible studies and I'm reading at least 10 minutes a day and I have chores and school and I havn't been in the mood to write lately. DO NOT FEAR I am not giving up writting! I just havn't found the time and whenever I do I'm exhausted and my brain doesn't want to give me good ideas.

And I know what some of you are thinking, "Just write on the weekends!" I would if I could. But weekends for me are wierd because sometimes I have to go to my dad's house and I don't like to be on my phone the whole time I'm there because I like spending time with him, and sometimes I have actual things I have to do.

So if you could all please pardon my slow updates because I actually have important things to do and I don't spend all of my spare time thinking about this, no matter how much some of you may want me to. So if you could please have respect for my personal life, that would be most appreciated.

With love, BiggestNerdAlive

(PS: I'll be posting this on all of my stories, so don't get your hopes up if you're reading one of my others and see that I've updated)

(PPS: You guys are great readers and. love all of you and I love reading your comments and seeing your reactions, they make me smile)

(PPPS: I've decided on calling you guys my Fanmates, it's like Inmates but fans, because we're all pretty much imprisoned in the fandoms)

(PPPPS: Don't judge on the name ^ I came up with that at like, 2-4 in the morning or something like that)

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