Dream Session (1)

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Before we start can I just say something about Madelaine's hair? She's fucking beautiful. I wish my hair was as long as hers.

Ivy's POV:My parents stood at the bottom of the stairs

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Ivy's POV:
My parents stood at the bottom of the stairs. "We're leaving Ivy." My father said. I walked down and said "goodbye father. Goodbye mother." They walked out of the house and I immediately sent a text to everyone. I made it a group chat so everyone could get it at the same time.

Hey guys. My parents just left. I'll be waiting for you all in the living room. It's a big space. Everyone bring a pillow and blanket. We'll all be on the floor. In front of the fireplace. Don't worry about food. I've got it covered. This will be the first time I've had you all here in my home. Nobody usually comes here. So I appreciate you all coming to do this. Summer, this was a great idea. We all need to stick together and protect one another. This was the right call. I'll see you all soon.

I sent the text and sat on the couch and sighed. My house was a gothic style home. It creaked and made noises at night but it was home. There was a knock on my door about 10 minutes later. I walked downstairs, candlestick in hand.

I answered the door and there stood Klaus and Nova

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I answered the door and there stood Klaus and Nova. "Hi guys." I said. Klaus poked his head in the house and said "why the fuck is it so dark?" Nova hit his chest and I said "we're sleeping aren't we? We don't need a bunch of lights on." Klaus shrugged and walked in. Nova followed and I closed the door behind them. I led them to the living room and Klaus said "I've never been here. As long as you and my sister have been friends. I've never been in your house." I said "that's crazy." Nova looked around and said "you have a lovely home." Before I could answer there was a knock at the door. I quickly rushed to get it and there was Summer and Justin. With Javier and Kit. They all walked in and Ethan arrived a few minutes after them. We all sat in my living room. Everyone had their blankets and pillows set up. Klaus said "if this doesn't start. I'm going to fall asleep." Summer leaned on Justin's shoulder and he said "maybe we should start without her." Then there was a loud bang on the door. Summer yelped and Justin sat up. Klaus said "what the fuck?" I grabbed the candlestick and made my way to the front door.

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