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In my house, we have guests every little while so there are a lot of responsibilities we need to do before the guests arrive. First, my mom tells you to wake up at 9 so I set an alarm. I never hear my alarms so my mom comes in my room yelling for me to get up kdmdmdk. I eventually get out of bed at 10am then get bossed around for like 3 hours before taking a small break then get bossed around to clean the house 100% top to bottom which I honestly understand to an extent. Cleaning the places that the guests will actually see is good. The thing I don't get is that we overly clean the places that the guest won't ever see. I say this to my mom but she still shuts me up and tells me another chore. After cleaning and cooking, we eventually start to look presentable. I take little time cause that's the only thing I remember from this school year. Literally, I was late almost every day cause I love sleep that much.

    When the guests actually arrive, there are so many awkward hellos and I either run upstairs or stay in the corner and stay quiet listening to ladies gossip. I can't describe it more than boring. Tbh the only reason I don't try to escape is cause I know the food will be served soon. Smhhhh

Anyone else?

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