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noun. /ɡʊdˈbʌɪ/

Used to express good wishes when parting or at the end of a conversation.

That's how famous Oxford dictionary describes it. In this modern world those "good wishes" change it's meaning very often,but not with us. We were something really special. irreplaceable.

I will tell you more about us later. But now a question.

Do you love goodbye's?

I assume you don't since most people are not fans of the endings and change. It is hard. The thing is that I LOVE goodbye's. I always did. Why, you may ask. Have you ever noticed how many emotions does one goodbye hold? Not just sadness that everyone is focused on,but also happiness when all the flashbacks flow trough mind. Memories. Every tear shows how many of them have touched your heart. So many contradictions that are mixed up in one body,isn't that fascinating?

It is a fact that we don't know and can't know when will we say out last goodbye to someone or even anyone.All we have is the hope that we use our time between the first hello to our last goodbye as good as possible.

I think we did a pretty good job there, for a couple in 21.century. We are both kinda old fashioned in a modern way when it comes to how things go in relationships. In other words - We are complicated.

Now, when we made it clear that I am not the person who does anything that makes sense (which you should have noticed from what i wrote) I can tell you that i named the book "My hundred goodbye's to you" (obviously) despite the fact that we never actually said 'GOODBYE' to each other . Although many times words sounded like it. So here it is,me being real,saying goodbye to you...hoping that this 100 times I say it will be enough to finally let go.

My hundred goodbye's to youWhere stories live. Discover now