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Do you remember our first conversation under the night sky full of stars?

Sadly, we were apart this time, but one thing that we are thankful for is the internet. Not even the really bad connection and constant voice cracking could stop us. Every night that summer we waited for everyone to fall asleep, then both of us walked out of our house and we watched the sky. It made us feel like we are in the same place because at least we were looking at the same moon shining and counted the falling stars together. Every fall was one wish. I wished a lot, one of them was simply you. You were trying to guess my each wish. I bet you knew what I wished for but wasn't confident enough to say it. Luckily, we were on the same level of craziness and weirdness so we had our coded language which helped us say things we couldn't say.
Now, it's not a lot more different. I can't say some things due to our agreement. After one and a half year for talking for every single day, we decided to stop for a month. A lot can happen in a month, but I am aware we need this. Surprising thing is that I am the one who suggested it. That was the last time we talked,yesterday. It feels like it has been forever. I miss you. That's what I wanted to say....This time,this way, I can't get a reply. It hurts. The good thing is only words bleed. I am back to how I felt at the beginning. I am thinking if you think about me,do you miss me too? Have you found a replacement for me already?I am overthinking. Overthinking was also our thing, we did it together trough our conversations. How do you get used to someone not being always by your side, not physically but what is even more addicting - mind,thoughts. I fell in love with your words. Now, again, I am going crazy.
You slowed us down at the beginning and I am glad you did. It could't be just a summer relationship that dies fast....It was worth more. Do you remember the day we both thought we were just meant to be and everything was destiny?
We talked and in our conversations we came to the birthdays topic. You asked me when I was born since you was too lazy to simply search it on my Facebook.
I said the date and I did hear the grasp on the other side of the phone and very loud "No way!". I couldn't believe but after that sentence I predicted his next line "me too..." . We just held our phones in silence for a full minute not not knowing what to say.
Who wouldn't think that destiny?
Since that day we knew this was going to be something we never would expect it to be.

No matter how hard it is for me to stick to our agreement,
I will,
And yet again I am saying

My hundred goodbye's to youWhere stories live. Discover now