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Do you remember how did we meet?

I do. Also, I know you do because i asked you once while playing it cool pretending that i don't remember that day. It was a summer,beautiful sunny day at the beach we both go to since I know I exist. I always had a big group of people around me, either friends or family,someone was always by my side. You were a completely different story, staying aside alone and just watching what was happening around you. But that day something made you change your habit and while boys being boys were competing who can do more push-ups,you joined in. You beat them all and I must admit impressed me a bit. So it all began...you started getting closer with the boys from the group and naturally we started talking whenever we were left alone. That was very rare but we had occasions. Fun fact. Before we said even one word to each other it took 7 years of seeing each other on the beach daily. I never even noticed you....but you knew about me all time long which I learned about later in conversations. Now, after a year and a half it's funny how no one ever noticed anything was going on,apart from children who make many stories anyway so they are not trusted by anyone. Big mistake. Children are most honest creatures on the planet, but I am happy they didn't believe them. I wanted to keep everything a secret. Funny how now I am sharing it with everyone but we do make an interesting story.I am gonna tell you now in advance, it may be disappointing how it ended for some of you. Well maybe what happened is not even the end. I will tell you how the story goes.

That first summer nothing happened and I wouldn't even call it the beginning until you left. Contradictions again...how surprising. To understand what I said you need to know that we don't live in the same street,nor city,nor county and also we don't even speak the same language. We spoke the language of love, not french in this case, it's English which is not the mother tongue nor for him or me. In one of our really random conversations we had in person you mentioned you had a cat and a dog and I am a huge animal lover so I wanted to see them but you didn't have your phone with you ( He didn't develop modern severe phone addiction as I did) . For that reason the day when you left and said "till next summer" while waving with your hand shy and shortly, the minute you arrived I got the message - photo of a dog with two differently colored eyes. It all started with such a silly but beautiful creature who was our first,start-off topic, so don't ever think its hard to start a conversation as I used to think. Do not wait 7 years.Life really is too short to wait .There is 7.323.187.457 people in the world and we don't know how much time we have. Every single person has something special in themselves and if we don't start that conversation,if we don't try to get to know them..we may miss out on a lot.

I am so glad I did meet you,that you made that first move,

But now it is time to say


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