Laito: For You

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You were one of the most hottest girl in the whole school. And you were also Laitos girlfriend.  You recived lots of love letters, chocolates,  flowers, but you threw them all away and didn't care. But Laito never threw any of his love letters and gifts. That always freaked you out . When you came out of the school you went to your apartment. When you climbed upstairs. You heard moaning. The door was slightly open and you froze in place when you saw the scene. Your beloved boyfriend Laito was having sex with another girl you started sobbing. And Laito heard they he immideatly stopped ducking her and screamed "Y/N" but you were alreday running, running from this reality. "Did you get what you wanted?" He asked the girl. "Yes . And I promise not to hurt her" "Good" he said. You were running towards the Mukami mansion to find your best friend Kou Mukami . "Hey M -Neko chan how ya doing" he said with his usuall cheerful  tone. But when he saw you in that state he said. "M- Neko Chan what's wrong ? Who hurt you" "Can we talk some place private?" "Sure m - Neko Chan.  Whatever you need" So you told Kou what happened between you and Laito.  "What a men whore" he said. "You can stay here as much as you like M-Neko Chan ." "Thanks Kou kun. It really means a lot in this moment. I owe you a lot for this one. "
"You don't owe me nothing. I just want to see the happy smile on your face again" You lightly giggled and cracked a small smile. "Now that's the smile I love and know"


Laito was a mess without you. He always went to clubs . He often forgot where his home was . New women every night. He got into a car accident and barely survived.Hes still in the hospital in coma . He needed you back in his life no matter what. You on the other hand weren t much better without him so you stopped eating . You cried almost all the time  and watched the pictures of you and him being together smiling ,kissing, cuddling. You cracked a small smile , but it soon turned into a frown that moment when you realleyesd that everything was over those happy moments aren't going to replay. You lost him to that slut . But that's what you thought. "Hey M - Neko Chan, are you feeling any better ? You haven't eaten anything for 2 straight days" "I'm fine just not hungry" " Well today you're getting out of this room. You are going to go to my practice today"
"But I'm okay here . Mr. Bed wants me to stay here" "Nope you're going with me to the practice. And then were going to the arcade. Dress nice." And with that he left your room. "Damn you Kou" So Kou and you went to his practice and he was a pretty good dancer. Then you went to the arcade and you had some pretty good time with him. "We should do this more often Kou kun" " So does that mean you had a good time?" "Yeah thanks a lot for bringing me out of that room. I started feeling depressed " "Want to repeat this tomorrow night M-Neko Chan ?" "Sure . I would love to"


You were at the arcades with Kou Kou and you were having great time playing games with him. But  in the same arcade was Kanato with his girlfriend.  And Kanato saw you and Kou together playing games. "Y/n Chan why did you leave Laito? "
You turned around to see Kanato holding his girlfriends hand."I didn't leave him he left me. I found him with some girl having sex in my apartment" "But he did it on purpose I was there. That girl Laito had sex with was threatening him that she would kidnap You, rape you, and kill you and throw your body away so he doesn't have a gravestone to cry on to if he doesn't have sex with her"
"But where is Laito now?" "He's in coma in hospital. He was hit by a lorry when he was drunk" "..." "y/n"
"..." "y/n" You immediately ran to the hospital to see him. When you entered his room it was dead silent.
" LAITO WAKE UP PLEASE. LAITO I'M BEGGING YOU PLEASE JUST wake up. Please " You you started sobbing while holding his lifeless hand. You spent whole night and day sitting next to him waiting for him to wake up. You finally fell asleep . Then he woke up and saw you holding onto his hand. "Does this mean you forgive me y/n" You shoot your eyes open and saw two green orbs staring at you. "Laito kun . YOURE AWAKE. You hugged him tight almost squishing life out of him. "I do I do forgive you Laito kun. I love you Laito kun. Kanato told me everything and explained it to me. I'm so glad you're awake now" "I love you to y/n"
You two cuddled till you both fell asleep. Two days later Laito came out of the hospital and was back to his old self. You two were lying in bed cuddling and it suddenly stoke you like lightning. "Wait isn't her family based on no sex till marriage" "It is"
"I have an idea to ruin her life forever" and you darkly giggled. "What's on your mind Doll chan"
Kou called that girl to the hotel to have some "fun" together and told her the room. When she received that call she went into that hotel and found the room. On the bed there was a note that said. "I'm in the bathroom make yourself comfortable love Kou" "Kou kun you're such a tease" then she got completely naked and spreader her leggs and latex on the bed and started fingering herself. Then a figure with a towel around their waist came out with a covered head. "G/N What what is this all about spreading your legggs in front of a man"she quickly covered herself "It's not what it looks daddy I swear" "You had sex with this man here threatening him that you would kill his girlfriend " "daddy" "silence. Because of this you're not my daughter anymore pick your stuff up and leave my house immideatly " "That's what you get for messing with my boyfriend and me" "se ya latter BITCH chan wanna have it later on he askes " the girl just glared at him and started crying .

What do you think of this one guys . What should I improve vote comment follow and stay tuned till next one. I'm sorry I didn't publish this yesterday I was busy because my cousin was leaving tomorrow so we had to make that the best day ever. Sorry😿

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