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"Aren't you supposed to be feminine?"

"Aren't you supposed to talk like a baby?"

"Don't you use diapers?"

"I thought littles are supposed to like pink!"

"I thought littles aren't supposed to have tattoos or piercings."

"I thought littles are supposed to only watch cartoons and hate horror movies."

I sighed. I just wanted a nice daddy who would accept me, take care of me, and love me for who I am; but it was really hard to find one.

I wasn't the stereotypical little. I didn't like watching cartoons 24/7. I didn't like pink; I absolutely despised it. I loved getting tattoos and I had gages in my ears. I didn't like diapers because they made me feel dirty, and I didn't talk in baby voice either. Again, I was a little. I just wasn't a stereotypical one.

The one who was the stereotypical little was my best friend and roommate Kellin. He loved all that stuff, but believe it or not it made it harder for him to find a daddy too. Well, a real  one at least. We were both daddyless that even a word?

Anyways, both of us had a hard time finding a daddy. Kellin's "daddies" were usually mean and pushy. All they wanted was to get into his pants!... Or skirt. You get the jest. Mine were mean and always tried to change me. One even tried to trick me to remove my tattoos! I saw enough videos to know that it hurt.

It was night right now. Kellin was visiting a few friends in his hometown, leaving me alone for about two weeks.

I had my cell phone on silent, but then it suddenly turned on due to the notification that I got. I reached to grab it, not wanting to move out of the comforting warmth of my blanket.

You have one new message from: MikeyWhiskey

I huffed. It was probably just another "daddy" who would more than likely tell me that I wasn't really a little.

After a few minutes of balancing out my options I decided to answer. I was bored anyways, so why not?

I logged onto my tumblr and opened up his DM.

MikeyWhiskey:Hey cutie, are you up right now?;)

I rolled my eyes at the obvious attempt at flirting. He probably just wanted a few pictures or something. I didn't blame him really, since I had a few suggestive photos on here.

TonyTurtle:Hi, yes I'm up. What do you want?

I know it sounded rude, but I didn't care. This would probably be the last time I spoke to him even if I was nice.

MikeyWhiskey: Nothing, I just thought you had really nice art work on you little one.

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